ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟜

524 9 11

May 18th 2026


"cramps again?" Josh asked

"mhmm" I nodded as I cuddled up to him

"I wish it would just go away" I groaned

"well, I could get you a 9 month delay" he smirked as he pushed me onto the bed, so that he was hovering over me

i- horny bitch

"no thanks, I think I'm good" I said pushing his face away from mine, and getting up from the bed

"not so fast" he laughed as his arms snaked around my waist. Josh picked me up, and threw me on to the bed, and he jumped on top of me

"st-stop" I laughed as he ticked me

"yoo, there are kids in the house" Bryce laughed as he threw the door open to be followed by JRod

"shut up" Josh laughed as he got up from literally lying on me like a baby

"so you guys were about to" Bryce trailed off

"nah" Josh laughed as he messed with his hair

"were gonna go film so party shit, bye" Bryce laughed before him and JRod left

"JOSH" Ana yelled as she ran into the room

"so we're on a first name basis now, huh muncie?" he joked as he picked her up

"what that mean" she asked

"never mind" he laughed

"what's up" he asked her

"I need new shoes, and new clothes" she said

"why is that" I asked

"because my other ones are too small" she answered

"can we please go to the mall" she begged me

"I'll bring you" Josh said

"and Ethan" he added

"fine" she huffed before walking out

"you wanna come" Josh asked

"no, you guys go" I said

"please" he begged

"who's gonna stay with Sav?" I asked

"bring her as well" he answered

"what happens if you get mobbed" I added

"fine" he huffed, just like how Ana did



Ethan, Ana and I arrived at the mall, around lunch time, so we stop for McDonalds since there's one across from the mall

"what d you guys want?" I asked them

"chicken nuggies and chocky milk" Ana said

"cheese burger and fruit topia" Ethan said

"hi how may I help you" the drive threw worker asked

"hi, could I please get, 2 happy meals" I said

"what kind?" he asked

"chicken nuggets and cheese burger" I said

"what drinks would you like with that?" he asked

"chocolate milk and a small fruit topia please" I said

"anything else?" they asked

"no thank you" I said

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now