ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

599 10 22


March 16th 2026 (still the same day)

this should be interesting


"JADEN!" I screamed as I came back to reality

"what happened" he asked as he came into the bathroom

"THIS HAPPENED!" I yelled as I held up the pregnancy test


"bab- Mads, don't be scared" he said. wait, was this bitch really about to call me baby

"Jaden, we aren't fucking together" I cried

"yet" he said under his breath

"I know, but don't you think this will be good for Elle" he said using Ella's nickname

"ye-yeah I guess" I stuttered

"but, do you know how bad this looks, what's everyone gonna think, what's my mom gonna say? what's YOU'R mom gonna say!" I freaked out

"baby, this has already happened once, I promise they'll be hella happy" he said as he whipped the tears from my face

"now that that's out of the way" he smirked

"Madison Rose Lewis, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend once again?" he asked

"I would love to" I said

"you know, I never did stop loving you" he stated

"I love you" he added

"I love you too" I said

"shit, it's almost 7. I'm spending the night with Nessa" I said as I got off the floor


"Josh, I'll be fine" Nessa said as she continued our tiny argument

"baby I'm gonna stay" I argued back

"Mads is on her way and she's staying, so I'll be fine" she stated

"plus, if I'm coming home tomorow I need you to make sure the house is CLEAN" she stated

"you sure you don't want me to stay?" I asked before I left

"I'm sure" she said

"I love you" I said as I gave her a forehead kiss

"love you too" she yawned

"bye munchkin" I whispered as I kissed Savannah's head as well

"call me if you need anything" I said to Nessa before leaving

"I will" she called back. I walked out to my car, then began driving home


"DADDY" Anastasia yelled as I walked into the house

"hey baby" I said picking her up

"where's mumma" she asked

"mumma is still at the hospital" I told her

"why" she whined

"they have to make sure Savannah is ok" I said

"why can't mumma come home and Savannah stay wif the doctor" she said

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now