ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡

347 9 2

November 29th 2037
2:57 pm

Anastasia's POV:

I felt a dip in my bed, as I rolled over. I opened my eyes to see Ayden there.

"Look who's finally up!" He smiled

"What time is it" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. Damn I feel sick as fuck.

"Almost 3" He said

"The fuck?" I yawned as I sat up

"You slept through school" He smiled

"Huh?" I asked as I got up. I went into the bathroom and, yup✨sHarK wEeK✨. After putting in a tampon and washing my hands I went back to lie down with Ayden. After cuddling for a few minutes Ayden finally spoke;

"Let's go get you some food" He picked me up like a baby and carried me down stairs to the kitchen, where my mom, Anthony and Coop were sitting.

"Mornin" I yawned again as I hugged my mom

"I think you mean afternoon" Anthony chuckled. My mom had made me some breakfast, nutella bread to be exact.

"Ok, I gotta run. Me and Jaden are at the studio and everyone else is at meetings. Tell Ethan to make dinner and remind him to pick up Luke, Lily and Flash they're coming over tonight" My Mom said as she kissed my head. Ayden and I ended up watching tv until everyone got back from school.

"ANA!" Savannah yelled as she ran into the house followed by Kaden, Ethan and Ella.

"Hi" I smiled as she flew onto the couch.

"Oh yeah! Eth mom said you have to make dinner" I said

"Where is she?" He asked

"Mom and Jaden are at the studio" I said

"My Mom and Mads are at a shoot" Ayden said

"Anthony and Dad are at meetings" I yawned

"Did you guys pick up Flash, Luke and Lily?" I asked

"Shit" he muttered

"Well go on" I said, as Ayden got up and pushed Ethan out the door

"Can we go see Ava?" Ella asked

"Need more hello kitty stuff?" Ayden laughed as he sat back down

"We're hungry" Kaden exclaimed

"Yeah" Sav groaned

"When Luke, Lily, and Flash get here we can make pasta or something" Ella said

"We call Hannah and Brady too?" Sav asked

"Sure" I said. While Ethan went to go pick up Lily, Flash and Luke, Ella went to get Hannah and Brady. While they were doing that I decided to post on insta.

 While they were doing that I decided to post on insta

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