ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠

636 12 9

1 month timeskip (to march)


Ana had the stomach bug for a few days, but now she is all better. Ethan was complaining about his throat hurting the past few weeks and turns out he needs his tonsils out. so today Ness is taking him for the surgery

"bye bud. good luck" I said giving Ethan a hug before he left

"you sure you don't want me to take him" I asked Nessa

"yes. you stay here" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek

"drive safe" I yelled as they closed the door. Ana was still sleeping so I went to go film some tiktoks, and do business stuff

"hey monkey" I said as Ana ran into my arms

"I wanna watch a movie" she said

"which movie" I asked

"ummm. PRINCESS" she said

"k lets go" I said

"can we watch in your room" she asked

"sure" I said putting her on my side and walking up the stairs

"which princess movie" I asked placing her on the bed and turning on Disney+

"umm, that one" she said pointing to 'Princess and the Frog' I put on the movie and sat next to her. we watched most of the movie, towards the end of the movie she jumped and hid her face in my chest. my heart fucking melted

"whats wrong" I asked

"it scary" she said. right. the part where the shadows chase them is kinda creepy

"don't be scared. you can use my bat and hit the monsters" I said and I smile appeared on her face. after the movie watching 'Princess and the Frog' we watched 'The Little Mermaid' 1 and 2. she fell asleep so I carried her into her room for a nap. I went back down stairs when I got a text from Nessa


after Ethan got his tonsils out he had to stay at the hospital for another 3 hours. when they released him, I drove home but he threw up twice. luckily in a bucket. I texted Josh to see if he could come get him from the car, seeing that he now fell asleep. Josh came out into the driveway

"hey baby" he said giving me a kiss on the head

"how you feel, you look a little pale" he said feeling my forehead

"fine" I said putting on a smile

"sure" he said not believing me. he carried Ethan into the house. I went into the kitchen and saw the calendar on the fridge. tommorow Anthony, Avani, Jaden, Mads and their kids were all coming home! Liv and Will are also flying in for March break aswell tomorow

"where's Ana" I asked Josh as he walked into the kitchen

"sleeping" he said. just then I winced from a sharp pain in my stomach

"you ok" Josh asked me helping me stand straight

"hmm, oh yeah" I said. he gave the 'I know your lying but I'm not gonna push you' look

"oh yeah! Chris said we can get chickens at their house" Josh said (now if u read the second book u'll understand haha)

"you must be so happy" I said. he helped me clean the kitchen then we went upstairs to the nursery

"soon I'll have 3 princesses" Josh laughed

"we still have to pick a name" I said

"it's your choice" he said

"it's both of ours" I said

"but mostly yours" he said

"how bout Jacklyn?" he said

"Rose?" I suggested

"Autumn?"  he suggested

"she's gonna be born in March silly" I joked

"Savannah?" I said

"how bout, Savannah Rose" he said

"Savannah Rose Richards, has a nice ring" I said. we, while mostly Josh cleaned up the nursery then I went to go check on Ethan

"hi bubs, how you feeling good or bad" I asked, and he did a thumbs down

"my poor baby" I said

"are you hungry" I asked, he nodded

"want a freezie" I asked, he nodded again

"k" I said, getting off his bed and went to the kitchen, I got him a white freezie because #noredfood. I brought the freezie upstairs to Ethan's room, to see Ana there. with a book?

"what are you doing?" I asked Ana

"I weeding him a book" she said

"oh, ok" I said surprised she was reading, and that she could read. I gave him the freezie and as Ana continued to read the book

"hey" I said walking into the living room where Bryce, Addison, and Ryland were. I guess they just got here

"hey shorty" Bryce said

"hi, wheres Brady" I asked

"he's at sway" Addison said giving me a side hug

"did you know Ana could read, I just walked in on her reading Ethan a book" I said

"I taught her to read" Ryland said and all of our mouths dropped

"you know how to read" I asked

"surprisingly" Ryland said

"well she's upstairs read a whole ass book, better then me" I said

"your dyslectic, you can barley write" Ryland joked. I hit him in the arm

AN- took a while to update. school starts in 2.5 weeks. great. anyways i have an idea for the next chapter, but ima need a few more

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now