ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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thanks @joshisbae1 for ideas!

8 month timeskip


"MOMMY" Ana yelled as she ran into my room

"hmm" I hummed in response still trying to wake up

"it rayning!" she said excitedly

"eww, rain's gross" I yawned

"can I pwease pway in the rayn" she pleaded

"no your gonna get sick" I said

"but RyRy and uncle Calvin and uncle Patty are vere" she whined

"go ask daddy" I begged

"bye wub you" she said said running out of my room

"love you too" I said getting back in the covers and going back to sleep


"DADDY" Ana yelled as she ran into my office

"hi baby" I said as I sat her in my lap

"can I pway in the rayn wif RyRy and uncle patty and uncle Calvin" she begged

AN- so this story is literally only bout Anastasia haha. not tryna spoil but she finna be a lil beach. also theres gonna be like 3 more chapters of them being little then they gonna be like 16

"sure" I said kissing her head

"go get your rain coat and rain boots" I said placing her on the floor. Calvin, Patrick and Ryland are staying with us for a week because, Jaden, Mads and Ella are in Texas seeing Jaden's family. Anthony is in Kentucky visiting his mom who isn't doing well, and Avani and Ayden are in Indiana with Avani's family, so the house is pretty lonely

"DADDY" I heared Ethan yell

"yeah bud" I yelled back

"COME" he yelled. I walked upstairs to where the playroom was

"can you please pway wego with me" he asked

"of course" I said sitting down on the floor

"what are you building" I asked

"hewycopter" he said dumping out the lego pieces

"lets do it" I said hyping him up

after about 2 hours we managed to build 2 helicopters, and airport and an airplane. for a 5 year old damn this kid can build lego. Ryland came into the playroom holding Ana, and they were both wet

"what happened to you two" I laughed as I took Ana from Ryland

"you gonna get wet" Ana laughed

"and you little missy are gonna get sick" I mocked her

"lets go get you changed" I said. I gave her a bath, and changed her into some roots sweats that my mom sent, and a sway shirt, even tho it's only like 17 degrees (celsius) during February in Canada its like -20. I checked the time and it read 12:07. I brought Ana down stairs to the theater where they were gonna watch happy feet. I went back upstairs to wake up Ness. I opened the door and she was asleep

"baby" I said

"hmm" she hummed in response

"time to wake up" I said

"fuck off" she moaned

"why you so grumpy" I laughed

"oh I don't know. maybe because I'm fucking 8 months preggo with your fucking 3rd child and sick of this shit" she cried. I sat next to her on the bed and cuddled her, saying that everything would be ok

"sorry" she whispered as she buried her head in my chest

"why" I asked while playing with her hair

"because I'm a bitchy ass drama queen" she said

"don't say that" I replied. she lay on my chest and then fell asleep. Calvin, Patrick and Ryland had to go home because they had meetings

"DADDY" Ethan yelled as he ran into me and Nessa's room

"shh" I said as Nessa started to toss

"Ana frew up" he said quietly now trying not to wake Nessa

"shit" I muttered. I got up out of the bed, and Ethan led me to where Ana was throwing up outside her bedroom. shit. stomach bug was going around, but this time it was worse than December 2019

AN- so idk if it happened where u live but from December to like February we had stomach bug really bad where i live. i swear my bestfriend got it like 10 times

"it'll be okay" I whispered as she continued to throw up. once she finished I gave her another shower

"ETH BUD" I yelled from Ana's room, and he came in

"can you go get some sprite from the drink room" I asked

"can I have some too" he asked

"sure, only a small can though" I said. I tucked Ana into her bed, then got a bucket in case she had to throw up

"my tummy hurts" she cried

"I know mamas" I responded as I rubbed her head

"where mumma" she asked

"she doesn't feel good" I said

"mommy never feel good" she huffed

"you call RyRy" she asked

"sure" I said pulling out my phone, I put Ryland on FaceTime and surprisingly he picked up. he talked to Ana while I went to clean the floor. It had been a few hours and Ana had thrown up a few more times. I'm checking on Nessa

"can you please bring Ana in here" she begged for the 1000th time

"I don't need you getting sick aswell" I said

"pshhh I've basically been sick for the past 8 months" she joked

"fine" I caved. I gave her a kiss on the cheek then went to get Ana

"can I have my ipad" she asked

"how bout you lay down with mumma" I said as I picked her up and brought her to my room. she cuddled up to Nessa then fell asleep


at around 4:30 Ana woke up, Josh was with Ethan, and I got a call from Olivia (Josh's sister)

"hi babe" I said as I picked up

"guess what" she said

"what" I responded

"me and Will are coming for March break!" she said

"your lying" I said


"anyways hows Ana Banana feeling" she asked

"I otay" Ana said

"god Ness! has she seen Ever After High" Liv asked. I shook my head no

"ok I'm hanging up, you better make her watch it" she said as she hung up. and that's what we did. watched 2 seasons of EAH

AN- sorry its been a minute. my cousin is getting married and it's kinda a big deal so im busy. any whore, IM BACK W/ 2 AM UPDATES : )

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now