ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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after Anthony and I cleaned up I went to check on Nessa. I opened the door and she was still sleeping

"hey bubs it's time to wake up" I said as I sat on the bed

"I don't feel good" she said as she sat up

"i'm sorry love" I said kissing her head

"what isn't making you feel good" I asked while rubbing her hand

"my head and stomach" she said

"and I threw up" she said. I cuddled her for a little bit then there was a knock on our door

"you ok" Avani asked as she slightly opened the door

"yeah" Nessa said

(haven't done this before)

after Josh and I cleaned up from breakfast Jaden was watching tv with all the kids. I went to go check on Vani just to make sure she's ok

"hey bebe" I said as I opened our bedroom door

"hey" she said putting her phone down

"how you feeling" I asked

"sick" she replied

"Ant" she asked

"yeah" I answered

"can you drive me to CVS" she asked

"I can get whatever you need" I said not wanting her to go out

"umm can you get me some, uh tests" she asked playing with her fingers

"yeah of course" I replied

"I'll go get them. bye bebe love you" I said walking out of the room

"love you too" she mused. I texted Josh and Jaden saying I was going out. I drove to CVS and got 3 different tests


Ant had gotten back with a few different tests

"thanks bebe" I said kissing him on the check. I went into the washroom and took the tests, leaving them on the counter for 5 minutes. I went to sit on the bed with Ant. he kissed my head and rubbed circles on my back. the timer went off and I went over to the washroom, and Ant followed. we flipped over the tests and they read negative

"you ok" Ant asked looking at me

"yeah i'm fine" I said. I was sad because I really wanted Ayden to have a sibling

"if you're still feeling sick we will go to the doctor" he said

1 week timeskip


it's been a week since I took the pregnancy tests. I haven't been feeling good the past week. Anthony is lying down with me rubbing my stomach because I've been having a lot of pain, it feels like a knife is going through me over and over

"I have to go downstairs" he said looking up from his phone

"I'm gonna come to" I said. he helped me up from the bed and we walked towards the stairs

"I can walk myself silly" I said to Anthony as we got to the bottom of the stairs. he walked into the kitchen. I was wrong through to the living room when I got dizzy. then everything went black

AN- i stg i always have someone black out


I was walking into the kitchen when turned around to see Avani start looking pale. I ran over to her just in time to catch her before she hit her head

"Vani bebe wake up" I said. nothing

"JADEN!" I yelled knowing he was home. all the kids were in the playroom playing

"yeah man what's u- shit" he said

"can you please watch the kids, I have to take her to the ER" I asked holding Avani

"yeah yeah of course" he said. he helped me bring her out to the car. I called the ER saying what happened and they said they would get a room and wheelchair ready. I drove to the ER, could LA traffic be any slower today. after 40 minuets, we arrived. a nurse came out with a wheelchair for Vani. I followed them into a hospital room. Avani was put in the bed and she now had IV in her arm. the doctor had taken her to an scan, while I waited in the room

 the doctor had taken her to an scan, while I waited in the room

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@luvanthony- please keep my bebe in your prayers

liked by: @addisonraee @dixiedamelio  @ameliezilber and 3M others

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AN- no she's not gonna have a baby

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