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December 25th 2037

10:22 am

Third Person:

"ANA! AYDEN WAKE UPPP" Savannah yelled as she jumped on her sister's bed.

"Fuck off Sav" Anastasia groaned as she turned into her boyfriend's chest.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS GET UP!!" Savannah groaned.

"Get up everyone's downstairs" Ethan called as he threw a pillow into the room.

"No" Anastasia informed her brother.

"Why the fuck is he still sleeping? Get up" Ana said as she showed her boyfriend the same energy her siblings had been showing her.

"Dude stop it's like seven" Ayden yawned.

"We got em" Ethan smiled as he dragged Anastasia and Ayden into the kitchen.

"C'mon were going to the living room" Josh informed the kids.

"Why are the three gemini children in the same room? Didn't we agree not to let this happen again?" Bryce said as Josh, Ana, Ayden and Ethan walked into the room.

"You mean when we almost burned down the house, with the help of our token capricorn?" Anastasia questioned one of her uncles.

"Yeah that" Bryce said.

"DUDE YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING BURN DOWN THE HOUSE" Jaden yelled. The frying pans the kids had been cooking on burst into flames. Anthony ran into the kitchen holding a fire extiguisher and put out the frying pan fire.

"Yeah, the four of you can't be in rooms together anymore" Bryce informed.

The kids were seated across the floor in a semi circle around the tree. Kaden and Savannah sat right infront of the tree, with Brady behind them. Ella was sat on the top of a sofa and Anastasia sat at the foot of it with Ayden lying in her lap. Lily Luke and Flash were sitting infront of their parents and Hannah sitting with her mom Cynthia, on the floor. Sophia was sat on the floor next to Griffin. Josh and Nessa were sitting on the love seat, next to the Christmas tree, Jaden and Mads on the sofa. Cooper and Sabrina sat on the couch, Sab holding their first born child Camilla who was only four months old. Bryce and Addison had pulled up some of the bar chairs and were sitting behind the couches, Chase and Charli on a beanbag being the only people without kids

"Babe" Nessa whispered to Josh.

"Hmm" Josh hummed in response.

"We did it" Nessa smiled.

"We did, didn't we?" Josh said as he kissed her on the head. Nessa loved being Josh Richard's girl  and still found it hard to belive that she was actually married to him. She couldn't belive that their oldest child was seventeen and she definetly couldn't belive that there was a whole next gen of 'sway boys' or rather 'sway'.

Chase and Nessa were out on the porch, Calvin, Patrick and Mia had just been by and dropped off the 

"Merry Christmas sissy" Chase smiled to his cousin.

"Merry Christmas half-blood prince" Nessa smiled as she hugged her cousin.

"We just need Julian and Karissa here, then we could go for milkshakes" Nessa smiled.

"Why don't we get them out here?" Chase asked.

"Maybe" Nessa said.


thank you for reading 'next gen'. i hope you enjoy this alternate ending!!

k, bye i love u - DARCYSBITCH

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