ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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3 day timeskip


"MOMMY" Ana yelled as she ran into my room

"good morning to you too" I yawned as I sat up

"what's up" I asked

"daddy and uncle Jaden made breakfast" she said

"cool" I said

"baby can you go eat then I'll come down in a little bit" I asked

"yup!" she said as she skipped out of the room


"wheres mommy" I asked Ana as she skipped into the kitchen

"I don't fink she feeling good" Ana said, then Jaden gave me side eye

"I'll go check on her" I said as I left the kitchen. I walked up to our room and Ness was still sleeping

"baby how you feeling" I asked as I sat down next to her

"I'm sick of this" she said

"sick of what" I asked playing with her hair

"I know it sounds bad, but I'm only 2 weeks and I'm sick of being pregnant" she said

"I'm sorry" I said as I kissed her head

"is Vani coming back today" she asked

"yeah she is" I said

5 hour timeskip


it's now 2pm and I'm getting out of my bed. Jaden, Josh and Ant were in the kitchen drinking coffee

"ewww get that out of my frickin house" I said making sure not to cuss incase any of the kids were around

"dude it's just coffee" Jaden said

"where's Vani" I asked

"in her room" Ant said. then I walked up to Avani and Anthony's room

"hey bebe" I said as I slowly opened the door

"hey" she said

"how you feeling" I asked sitting next to her

"ok I guess"

"so Nessie finna have another bebe" she said

"Vani" I hiss

"right sorry" she said

"you ok to have people come over" I asked since it had been 3 days since her surgery

"tomorrow" she said

"yeah tomorrow" I said

AN- nessa gonna have another bay-be!!! u think she should has a boi or a gurl?? also ur lucky i updated

every chapter on this book was written on my phone idk how tho

ANYONE WANNA WATCH NETFLIX W/ME? ILL PUT UP A LINK FOR NETFLIX PARTY & lmk what u wanna watch if u wanna watch

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now