ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝

482 9 15

sorry it took so long, i had this in my drafts but forgot to post. i barley update as it is, and w/school is hard. anyways now we have a giant timeskip hehe


October 12 2026
5:09 PM


i kept on getting tagged in posts yesterday. I didn't bother checking tho. after 2 hours the notifications built up. tears filled the rim of my eye as I looked at a few comments. Damn, people can be cruel

"Ness what's wrong?" the voice of Josh asked

"n-nothing" I smiled as  looked up from the phone

"baby" Josh said as he looked from the phone and pulled me into a hug. he held me for around



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my amazing thumbnail :)

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my amazing thumbnail :)

"hey" Josh said softly to the camera

"so today were gonna be telling y'all the truth bout Jessa" he said

"damn this is awkward" he muttered, which made me start laughing

"stop laughing" he said as he started laughing

"so umm, Josh broke up with me" I joked

"yeah, and I hit her with a bat" he joked which made me laugh even harder

"okay, okay, we gotta stop laughing and get to the point" he said, of course Sav, who was asleep (in her cot, that was in our room) started crying. I got up from where I was sitting, and walked over, and cradled her to my chest

"dis ma bay-be" I said as I held up Savannah

"this is Savannah" Josh said as he held her up

"she's almost 1" he added

"MAMA" Ana yelled as she walked into the room

"hi baby" I said to her

"can I have ice cream" she asked

"no, it's almost dinner time" I said

"what you doing" she asked as she sat behind Josh

"making a video" he said

"wanna say hi" he asked

"no" she said before hiding her face

"Jake and the Neverland Pirates is on now" I said as I checked the time

"ok bye" she said excitedly before she left

"cut that part out" I said

"can't it's already in" he said

"JRod, if you don't fuc-flooping put that in i'll fire you" Josh joked

"this house is PG now, the PG house" Josh joked

"so that was Anastasia, she's 5" I said

"DADDY" Ethan yelled as he walked into our room

"oops sorry" he apologized

"it's fine bud, what's up" Josh asked

"can we get McDonald's" he asked

"JOSH" someone yelled as they entered the room

"can we get McDonald's" Coop asked

"oops, you guys are filming" Coop said before him and Ethan left

"we're having tacos" I called

"that was Ethan, he's 6" I said

"and Coop" Josh added

"remember how when Eth was first born, hollywoodfix was at hype house, and you were spotted holding him" Josh asked

"oh yeah" I laughed

"anyways, me and Nessa stopped dating because well, we broke up, then got back together without telling the media, than we got married" Josh said as he held up our interlocked hands

"this is Savannah , our youngest, Anastasia our middle and Ethan the oldest" I explained as I held up pictures of the other two

"JRod insert pictures right above our faces" Josh said

"leave Savannah tho" he added. I looked down to my chest to she Sav asleep again

"anyways" Josh whispered as he looked from me to Savannah

"Vannah fell back asleep and we don't wanna wake her, so peace" he countied to whisper, before turning the camera off



"JADEN" I screamed as tears fell down my face

"baby what's wrong?" he asked as he came into the room

"it hurts, it hurts a lot" I cried

"shh, just breath, I need you to breath" he said softly

to be continued...

should Jaden & Mads have a boy or girl? also name suggestions???

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now