ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚

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over the next few weeks Josh and Nessa adjusted to having a newborn again, as well as juggling 2 other kids, with the help of their friends of course. Nessa worked out everyday so she could get her baby belly to disappear, and Nessa started posting gradually everyday. Josh got back on youtube after taking a few months break, Ana was adjusting to having a new baby sister as all the attention went from her to Savannah, Ethan on the other hand loves having 2 sisters, and could not be happier

May 16th 2026


"lunch time" I called as I finnished making lunch. Ethan, Ayden, Ana and Ella made their ways down into the kitchen and each sat at their stools. I had boiled spaghetti, and made white sauce (alfredo) and red sauce for the noodles, and chicken nuggets. I gave Ana white sauce, Ethan, Ella and Ayden red sauce, and 4 chicken nuggets for each, I poured water for all of them to drink. I left the kitchen to go to the front room, where Jaden, Mads, Anthony, Avani, Bryce and Josh were sitting. I took a seat next to Josh, who was cradling Savvy. as I sat down Josh kissed my

"I wanna hold Savvy" I whined

"why does everyone call her 'Savvy' or 'Sav'?" Josh asked

"it's cute" I said

"it makes it sound like she's some sorta brat" he stated as he bounced Sav on his leg

"don't say that" I whined as I hit him in the arm

"don't say that man" Anthony said to Josh

"nah I agree with Josh" Bryce said

"it does not make her sound like a bitch" Mads stated

"thank you" I said

"anyways what'd ya make" Josh asked as he finally let me hold Savvy

"pasta and chicken nuggets" I said

"that's why it smells so bad" Mads said

"so Mads" Vani questioned

"what's up" she asked

"you see" Ant said

"we have a few conspiracies" Josh finished

"we think" Avani said

"that you and Jaden fucked and now your gonna have his kid" Bryce blurted out, to get hit in the arm by Vani. heat rose to both Jaden and Mads cheeks before Mads said

"your right" Mads said

"please don't tell Ella tho" Jaden said

"just for now" Mads added


"let's go out" Josh begged

"why" I asked

"we all are" he informed me

"me, you, Bryce, Jaden, Mads, Griff and Nick" he said

"which Nick?" I asked

"Bean" he told me

"fine" I groaned


Avani and Anthony didn't feel like going out, so they stayed back at the house with the kids. that night Josh, Bryce, Nessa, Nick, Jaden, Mads and Griffin. the group had gotten bombarded with questions, mainly about Josh and Nessa, and Bryce and Nick got pretty drunk

AN- sorry it took so long

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now