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"Do you know who attacked you? Before your friend turned into a demon?" You asked after going back to your estate, while bandaging the small boy's wounds.

"No.. I'm inside when it happened, and suddenly Maki started attacking the other kids."

"You sly prick, Muzan!" The attack is one of the key openings for atleast one of the pillars to know what or who is Kibutsuji Muzan. No one had seen his face, not in a hundred years- yet he doesn't seem to lay low.

Demon attacks is what you are looking for, where someone gets turned into a demon, yet it goes nowhere. You are always a second late, only coming when everything seems to be done.

No survivors and a missing new pawn of Muzan.

"Ah I see, how old are you?"


The boy is too young to be a tsuguko, and your slight hope dwindled more when you see that his age makes him unable to fight. Moreover, you need to take care of the kid for a while when he is still injured.

"And your name?"

"My name? My name is Sora! Just like the sky!" Light blue eyes beamed at you, his small hand making gestures like small clouds and tried his best to mimic what the sky looked like.

"Ooh, that's nice! You should get to rest first, and change to this." You held out a smaller kimono, a plain white one similar to what you wore during your younger days.

You need to schedule an appointment to get his arm checked though, it seems that Sora had a bit of trouble moving and flexing it normally after the attack. Sora laid down, and after a few words here and there he finally fell asleep.

After a while you went out, and enjoyed the cold night air once again. You perched yourself on a tree, careful not to fall while slowly resting your eyes again.


"Hn?" You opened one eye, and finally settled on the familiar white haired male you least expected to see. Sanemi is not in the right condition at the moment, with one bottle of empty sake on his left hand- but obviously he had drank so much more.

"Ah shit." He slurred, feet struggling to stand steady. You don't even need to debate with yourself wether to help him or not, and in a second your hand is supporting his heavy body that is almost slumped over you.

"Sanemi, you reek of alcohol right now." You scrunched your face, but nevertheless you still helped the other pillar. You always address him like this whenever there are no pillar meetings, even right now when you are not exactly in good terms.

"Yeah, is' not like you're gonna do something.. about it."


You knocked him out, cause that would be best.


It's not like you don't want a babbling Sanemi, but you don't want a babbling drunk Sanemi while you struggled to bring him home.

You didn't mind the few stares of the kakushis or nurses while you hastily knocked over his front door to get him in, and shushed the small barks that came from his puppy.

After you fought tooth and nail to get him on the bed, you groaned as the calvary isn't over yet. You got a towel and a wet cloth, slowly dampening his burning forehead as the wind pillar tried to toss and turn in his current state.

"Why is he such a child?"

You internally smiled, still continue to brush the cloth over Sanemi. It's not that easy to get him in a position where you can take off his white haori and the uncomfortable uniform.

"I hate this." But after you finally got a glimpse of his toned body, you changed your mind. "Maybe this isn't so bad.."

After you are done with the towel, you pulled a blanket over Sanemi, and searched for clothes he could somehow wear. You found his wardrobe, mostly compose of the same uniform and several white haori, but found a different green haori you never thought he had.

The color is slightly close to his sword but lighter, and the fabric is obviously comfortable and easy to breathe into. You carefully took the piece of clothing and went back to the sleeping pillar.

"You're heavy you know." You whispered, but still careful to not wake him up. Sanemi stirred in his sleep, with soft and light snores coming from him.

You're tired, not because of the sudden mission, but because of this sleeping pillar before you. You are almost out of breathe, something you rarely experience while fighting demons.

But atleast you are now done, and now you are going to leave.

You got up, but calloused hands reached out to you- slightly making you flinch and stop. "You're awake?"

"I'm still sleepy y'know, butthanks." Sanemi mumbled the last part, which makes a smile decorate your face because Genya did the same when you talked to him.

"No need to thank me-"

"I'm sorry [Name]," No, not this out of character Sanemi in front of you again.. it's making you weak everytime, and you don't want to be weak.

"It's okay." You have no courage to look at him, but Sanemi understood. It's half true that he had been drinking because of you, but also because he just feels annoyed lately.

He thought maybe he could finally say sorry if there is alcohol coursing through his veins, but that made it worse. Right now Sanemi is almost sober, only a little light headedness lingering on his head as he tried to find the right words.

"You could stay the night, just this once."

"Okay, but just this once."


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