𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻

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"You really couldn't catch a break huh?" The lazy tone of Iguro reverberated through the other line of the phone, accompanied by the small hum of approval from Tomioka.

"You're all over the news.."

An irritated sigh elicited from the white haired man, knowing that he did not need to check what is happening on the media because of the commotion he had caused.

Aside from the protruding headache he had to deal with— he still had you. Your peaceful form looked delicate, it amazes Sanemi how sleep made you look different from earlier.

His attention went back to the phone call, with an annoyed Iguro and a sleepy Tomioka waiting for him to respond (as well as the already sleeping Rengoku).

"Not my fault the cameras caught me before I know it." He sighed, running a frustrated hand through the unkept locks, a glare present on his face. "And I swear to fucking god, I don't know that damn woman."

"You brought her to your house though—"

"I had no choice! I dragged her into this mess, this is only a mere compensation to everything."

"Too loud Shinazugawa, Kyojuro is sleeping on the other line with his pokemon pajamas on."

"Whatever, I'll hang up." Sanemi wasted no time on clicking the red button, ending the call instantly. He didn't like the sound of a cold bath, that's why he decided to wake you up.

"Hey, wake up."

No response.

"Oi, your bath will get cold." He tapped your elbow softly in an awkward motion, almost as if he had no intention to wake you at all.


"Nevermind, it's not like I want to wake you anywa—"

A throb.

He thinks it's just a headache, but quickly changed his it as flashes of you entered his mind.

How did he even know it was you?

You look so different, but he knows it was you. It was blurry, but the faint outline of you wearing a black uniform with a light blue yukata is undeniable.

"Huh.." was all he could muster. He didn't think about it too deeply, maybe it was just his imagination— because he just met you today, and nothing more.

Sanemi left you alone, slowly closing the door. "Hey, she doesn't need the bath anymore. But put the change of clothes beside the bed, she might need it."

Entering his private space, he drooped down to the floor with an exhausted exhale of breath. Sleep seemed to be taken away from his body the moment those "memories" came flooding, making Sanemi nerve-wracked.

It's no use thinking about it, he is blaming all of it to the series of events that happened today. Remembering the flashes of cameras with languid intent, he groaned— wanting to forget the memory with anything related to paparazzis and fame.

Internally he never wanted to inherit anything, the company, the money— all of them can go to Genya or his younger siblings. Sanemi felt a bizarre connection to his past, in a way that he doesn't want to be binded by anything anymore, and be free to do whatever he wants without a care in this world.

But things always went downhill for him. As much as he doesn't want to, he studied at a prestigious school from grade to highschool— and took on a business management related course in college to help him run the family business.

With a soft thud he plopped on the plain gray sheet, rolling over the thick blanket and burying himself on the pillows.

It's going to be a long night.


"Mh, what's this?" You haven't heard the familiar ring of your alarm clock, nor the indication of it saying it's quarter to six and you need to prepare yourself to work.

The bed you are familiar with is far cheaper and provided you with less comfort than this luxurious excuse you slept in, but panic did not settle in you at all.

Instead you dropped down the sheets once more and observed the whole room, a guest room you suppose. Beside you is a nightstand, and on top of it are what seemed pajamas that are a fresh pair.

You grabbed the clothes and examined it, judging from the material you knew right of the bat that the price for these kinds are expensive as well. It smelled like laundry detergent, as if it has never been used before.

You grew bored quickly, all the room had is a plain white closet with a mirror decorated in gold and white frames. Nothing out of the ordinary, you suppose.

Tiptoeing slowly, you slipped on a pair of slippers you saw on the floor— opening the door only to be greeted by an empty hallway.

You went back to the room and grabbed your pair of shoes, silently making your way out of this house you are in. You still wanted to know why you are in here though.

All you remembered is that you are a mess in that alleyway with Sanemi Shinazugawa, unbelievable as it seems, you blacked out after getting tired.

After a few turns, you finally saw a maid making breakfast of some sort.

"Oh hi maam, I prepared breakfast for you, Shinazugawa-san is still asleep."

"Thanks. I will be going now though, I've already caused enough trouble." You know the obvious answer that this extravagant house is from him, but you never thought he would actually bring you.

Not like it gives you discomfort— if anything, you are glad he is not that kind of an asshole to leave you alone.

You smiled while getting ready to leave the manor, saying that it is all right to not eat breakfast as you prefer not to eat any at all to the maid who keep coaxing you.

You thought to yourself, that maybe he isn't so bad after all.


I'm apologizing for the late update! I have been busy lately and thank you so much for the recent votes and comments ♡

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