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This doesn't affect the current happenings in the latest chapters, just a small ball of fluff I dedicate for Sanemi day!


"That's the last of them Shinazugawa san." You sheathed your sword back, admiring the silver snowflake design of the hilt and turning your head to face him.

He did the same thing as you, and Shinazugawa's face relaxed after being in his usual angry state while slaughtering the hideous pack of demons.

"I thought these assholes don't work together, there is always someone that breaks the rule huh?" His voice are gruffy, wiping the shin of sweat from his chin.

You have been summoned in this part of Japan, on the way to defeat a few demons that is relentlessly attacking the city. But beknownst to you Shinazugawa is going to the same place as you— with the same purpose, and reason unknown.

"Yeah.. let's go and take a rest. I saw an inn nearby." You said, walking alongside the tall man as you both made your way to wherever he is taking you.

It is currently dawn, meaning you worked the night and hunger is the only thing circling in your mind. Shinazugawa felt the same, he swore he could hear his stomach growl at some point.

There is a small restaurant located a few blocks more, and you almost sprinted at the sight of it, and so does he. The wafting smell of food being roasted and stew being served only adds fuel to the burning hunger inside, and you quickly chose the nearest table and sat.

Shinazugawa didn't bother to wrap his sword nor hide it— and his obviously hungry state looked intently on the menu, scanning the list of food roughly.

"I'll pay." He glared, not even bothering to let you speak before him. "Get what you want, I'm hungry." He continued while already setting eyes on his preferred choice of meal.

You settled on something simple, a tempura and soba noodles— while Shinazugawa ordered ohagis and ramen. "Thank you, I owe you one." You smiled, silently tapping the table as a sign of waiting for the waitress that will get your order.

"Good morning, may I take your orders?" A waitress arrived, bowing slightly and listening quietly as the white haired man before you placed your orders.

"Uh, she wants an order of tempura and a bowl of soba noodles, I'll have three ohagis and ramen— that's all." Shinazugawa finally finished talking with a sigh, and the waitress went away saying thank you.

"Y-you must be tired, and hungry." Stammering, you looked to his tired lilac eyes— obviously trying hard to be awake. His arms are crossed, and not answering.

You tapped his scarred arms, and he jolted at your sudden action. "Oi, don't fuck around me like that."

"You weren't answering, I'm worried." You retracted your hand, and he brushed your concern with a small 'I'm fine'.

The waitress finally arrived with Shinazugawa's order first, the steam  rising from the hot dish served in a porcelain bowl. Your stomach gurgled at the sight— but it is not for you, and you know he must have it for he is tired.

"O-oh, you can eat first please don't worry about me." He looks confused, maybe you he is irritated? You don't know but you gulped with his staring.

"I'll wait, I'm not that of a bastard to eat first."

"Alright." A smile made its way to your lips, and a blush quite appeared on his face— or you are seeing things.


Oh, the awkward staring finally ended with a growl on your stomach, and a chuckle escaped the hot headed man across you. "Take this."

He gave one of the red bean desert on his plate— handing one to you. Your [eye color] widened, and gladly accepting the ohagi Shinazugawa offered and chewed on it.

"We're both hungry idiot, you could've just said it."

His words didn't register, as you munched the treat in a split second. When he sighed, knowing that there is no use in stopping you.

"Oh sorry, I'm so hungry right now Shinazugawa san—"

You stopped in your tracks, just as he swiped a piece of the ohagi on the side of your plump lips, eventually licking the side of his thumbs.

"Eat properly dumbass."


It sets your face aflame, a wild blush evident on your face. "It's hot in here haha." You tried to fan your face— and at this point you want to disperse and to hide your presence to the Wind Pillar as soon as possible.

Shinazugawa doesn't seem to mind though, roughly eating the ohagi in one bite and eyed the other person on the way to your table, carrying the dish you ordered before.

"Thanks." You muttered, inhaling the savory smell of food right in front. You didn't hear the continuous thump thump of his heart, and the way he finds it cute that you actually ate the meal he gave without any objections.

It's so out of character, but he can definitely say— he is smitten over you.



Does this counts as a surprise? And yes I'll be uploading a part 2 of this! Hope you enjoyed it >///<

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