𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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"Ah! Nezuko don't run around!"

You have entered the warm household of the Kamado's, and the twins are more than happy that you had oblige to their wishes, and you are having fun too.

Well maybe a little bit too much fun.

"I'll pick up Genya."

He stood up the fluffy white couch, watching the kids play with such gleam present in his deep purple irises. You never knew he was capable of warm emotions— a side you yearned to see despite your conflicted feelings.

"Why don't we pick up your brother together? It won't take too long right, the twins are too busy playing." You suggested, dusting the cookie crumbs on your skirt.

"Sounds good.. he is shy around girls though, don't expect too much."

"I'm okay with that."

After you hit the pavement once again, you noticed time passed on a whim. The morning clouds eventually turned into a sunny weather— with the gentle breeze accompanying it.

The Kamado household is big enough for everyone to fit in. Aside from Muichiro and Yuichiro, there is also Zenitsu and Inosuke who is busy collecting plastic acorns at the moment (he threatened to eat one) while the former tried to stop him.

Is ir weird? That this man you met not too long ago started to make you feel butterflies?

All of him screamed familiarity— he radiates both pain and happiness your brain cannot explain but your heart would and could. Your thoughts mingled mindlessly, and alas you have reached your destination quick than you imagined.

You are in awe, as the structure in front of you looked more like a proper home than a mansion. Sanemi rang the doorbell, and you noticed that the gates are not as tall as his house yet still looked classy.

A woman finally opened the closed gates, her face expressing nonchalance to extreme happiness after having a look at her son's face. "Come in! Genya missed you so much dear."

"Sure he did, I always do his homework while he sleeps before mom." He replied warmly, instinctively pulling your hand with his to enter. You gasped slightly yet he doesn't seem to mind.

You do mind it though, as both of your hands fit together oh-so-perfectly, like the remaining piece for a puzzle to collide and create a picture. Sparks and butterflies littered inside you, as you tried your hardest not to over react in this gesture he made.

"[Name], this is our home. Dad's always away so mom usually takes care of Genya and me." You took in his words. "Your mom must be a nice woman."

"About that.. yes she is the nicest. Nicest than anyone I came across." He watched as his mom called for Genya, the softness of her eyes almost the same as him when he looks at someone or something he deeply adores.

"I told her that we are still full, is that okay or—"

"It's fine don't worry! I can see that your mom needs her rest." You said, and as if on cue the youngest of the Shinazugawa's finally came to light.

He hid behind his mother, cheeks dusted light pink as his small stature is too adorable to handle by the likes of you. "Hello.. I'm Genya."

Unlike Sanemi, Genya meek. You can see that much, he is shy and uncomfortable around strangers— but to his eyes, you don't feel like one. He ran to his brother's arms, lips a little wobbly as he buried his face onto the crook of the older man's neck.

"Sorry, he gets too shy." Sanemi lifted up his brother, while the smile on your face is still there. You can tell Genya loves his brother so much, and you almost forgot the reason why you are here.

"Ah! Mrs. Shinazugawa, we are here to take Genya to Tanjiro's house, is it okay if we go now? I pardon from my sudden intrusion." You bowed slightly, while the shorter female laughed heartily.

"Yes yes, it is okay for me sweetheart. And thank you for taking care of my eldest, he is difficult to handle sometimes, but I can see you two are handling your relationship pretty well."

Relation— what?

"No mom goddamnit we are not dating!" Just like Genya's, Sanemi's cheeks are practically on fire right now. Well, yours is too.


After that you left with Genya, with Sanemi's mom still laughing cheekily behind your backs. Hurriedly the both of you (along with Genya who is dead silent) bursting into laughter instead of embarrasment.

"You should see your face back there!"

"Says the one is redder than a fucking tomato."

You bickered back and forth, while the forgotten Genya started to speak for the first time after leaving the house. "C-can you put me down brother.."

"Oh, yeah of course." The white haired man gently put his brother down while leading the way back to the Kamado's.

You wished— you longed for peaceful days like this.

You completely forgot about the paparazzi incident, as if Sanemi is an antidote which makes you forget even the hurtful words his fans threw to an innocent you. There is a part of you who do not care about the risks, this small meeting sparking something that should have happened before.

It is too early, too fast— yet your heart wanted him just as much.


The day finally ended, and it was tiring. You texted Mitsuri to pick up the twins from the Kamado's house, while Genya is picked up by his mother.

"Thank you [Name]." It is already night, yet he is still inside your house. You welcomed him warmly unlike when the day started, but you are still surprised when kind words suddenlt spouted from this man's mouth. "From all the scandals and stuff, this day is the most fun I have been in a while."

It's not a date, definitely not a date. It is more like babysitting, but you get to know him more.

"No need to thank me. You should be careful on your way back home, Sanemi." You gave him back the shades and jacket he left at your couch, happiness and warmness lingering inside your heart that is beating rapidly.

"I will." He stepped out of your door, and the sudden urge to speak again bugged you. "I know this sounds so random— but see you at work. I look forward to it."

As he uttered those words, you felt fuzzy. He looks forward to it, and unlike your failed past relationshils which you suitors said the same thing, his words are different.

His back faced you, and as much as you want to hold him and tell him to stay as your heart begged you to, your mind did not permit it.

Be rational [Name], you just met him two times. Don't be a fool— don't let him fool you. You see that even being his fiance gives no assurance if he will leave you or not.

Instead of staying silent, you mustered a quick reply.

"I look forward to work too."


It's been a month since I have updated, forgive me for not updating these days, I'll make sure to update regularly again <3

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