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"Breathe of Snow Seventh Form, Howling Winter."

You slashed the demon standing in your way, but the lady from earlier still hasn't done anything. She keeps leading the way and kept dragging you to areas that are full of enemies.

"What are you doing? Don't you have any training?" You asked, anger obviously rubbed on your expression while pointing a bloodied sword at her.

She ignored you.

"I'm not your fucking body guard and your toy. Go find someone else and tell them to work hard protecting your weak ass." You growled, but the girl suddenly started to look.. different.

"I thought I had you wrapped around my finger by now, demon hunter." She smirked.

Her features started to change, from trimmed nails to sharp claws. From supple skin to a shade of purple-ish green. Normal dark brown eyes started to change as well, and it turned into a light color of purple.

"A demon huh. I'm not surprised." You retort.

"Yes you are not, but I've seen your capabilities by now. Breathe of the Snow huh, what a unique ability. It's a pain having to face snow pillars most of the time— they always act the same. Cold and heartless." Her demon features are beautiful yet vile.

Poison spread kept dropping from her fingertips to the ground, and you assumed that is her Blood Demon Art.

"I don't care what you think of me or the others. I'm only here to pass this exam." After saying that you ran towards the demon, thrusting the sword pointed to her neck.

She laughed at your attempt to reach her, a cackle that made you want to cover your ears. The demon closed the space between you, her claws slashing the air as you avoided her continuous attacks.

"Oh, seems like you are one interesting human after all!" Slash, and then another. You defended yourself with your sword, yet her quick attacks becoming quicker and quicker after each slice.

Managing to grab the her palms, you chop the right palm of the demon first. Shrieks of her in pain filled the whole area as she held her now sliced arm.

"No! She'll regenerate!"

You didn't waste anytime and punctured her heart so that she'll be distracted— preventing her from regenerating her arm first. "You piece of shit, I'll make you pay!"

"Shut up demon, I'll cut your head first. Breath of Snow Second Form, Crystal of the Snow God." Ice formulated from the spot you stabbed, the demon can't do anything but howl from the pain and the way she is freezing.

Taking off the blade, you cut the head cleanly and the body stopped moving and began to disintegrate.

You huffed, there are a few scars on your cheeks yet they are from the other demons you fought and not from the poisonous one.

It's hard to ignore the continuous cries of the contestants right now, but your body won't move after using the second form. You are still thin and in need of more training, but you know all the hardwork paid off.

Sitting down a bush, you drifted into a deep slumber.


"Three contestants?"

You squinted as you saw two people beside you after the exam. One had his arm cut off, and the other one looks smug.

"Congratulations Demon Hunters, we'll be giving this crow to serve as your guide for the next missions."

A crow landed to your shoulder and it blinked twice. Its wings does a flapping action and you find it adorable and patted the animal.

"You'll now be choosing the materials for your sword. Please choose wisely, after that we will be asking your measurements for the uniform."

You completed the tasks quickly and went home. The sounds of the birds chirping haven't done anything to heal your fatigue or make you relax.

In fact, a cold feeling is dwelling over you. A feeling of dread instead of relaxation after a week full of running and bloodshed.

The area of your home or training grounds is in sight, and you haven't seen the familiar Snow Pillar waiting for you.

"Hajime-san said he'll wait for me.. and celebrate with me.. where is he?"

You walked towards the door and found out one of the kakushis delivering a letter.

"Excuse me, are you the successor of Hajime Ryouta? I'm here to deliver a very important message to them." The kakushi can't look to your eyes as you nodded your head and the letter was given to you.

"On this day of XXXX, XX. After several missions to eliminate lower moons in the southern part of Tokyo, Hajime Ryouta was pronounced dead after engaging a fight with a lower moon. We deliver this letter to you with demise."

The letters are rushed, and some of the parts are blurred out with ink. You just came home, why did this news have to be in the wrong timing?

"Idiot Hajime-san, I thought you'd wait for me and celebrate. Why did you die?!"

You lost everything again. Is love really that tragic? What more would you lose if you love another person once again?


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