𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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You still held your ground, managing to land a few fatal blows only for the damage itself to vanish because of your 'friend's' rapid healing abilities.

There is a deep cut on the knuckles of your arm, threatening for your sword to slip out of your hands and to admit defeat. A gash so slightly above your eye made the blood trickle down your bright [eye color] irises relentlessly— obscuring your left eye every now and then.

"If you haven't already known, I won't plan to spare you."

"I don't plan to spare you either." You mimicked his words, at this point spouting venom from the tight spot you are in.

But that doesn't mean you saw an incling of hope in the midst of the dire situation. The last cut made its way to the demon's neck, and you finally used Shinobu's wisteria concoction to counter the regeneration abilities.

The wisteria potion is limited, because unlike Shinobu you are only meant to use it in rare occasions, your breath not compatible to strengthen the damage of the wisteria itself.

In silence you observe as the wound is struggling to close, and you are determined to deepen it more— until Taki's demon phase will finally end.

Despite your wounded state, it is not enough to make your breath uneven. You thanked the joint training to increase your stamina and endurance, surely you can still land a blow that would definitely cut his head off, but not with the bloody arm and hazy vizion.

While the demon continued to babble, you wrapped a bandage around your head— momentarily stopping the river of blood from streaming.

"..oh, so you still have time to secure the wound I gave you." The white-haired demon's smile from earlier dropped, eyes turning into slits.

You have no time to waste, you do not have time to talk all day. You are not the type to share compassion and plan to 'save' demons, even when they are a friend from the past you wished to forget.

Kill him, go to Muzan, end this and live a life.


You'll finally use your trump card, the hardest breath that will surely leave you wheezing after. The breath you learned to master for atleast two years.

Pushing your leg muscles one last time, you dashed in an insane speed— going for the back to land a blow on the nape of his neck. The demon had little to no time to react, his eyes desperately finding where you are, only to find you and the glint of your sword colliding with the vulnerable flesh of his neck.

The sharp strands of his hair, instead of defending, decided to attack. The almost rod-like feeling of the strand sunk deep into the tender muscles of your stomach.

You never stopped, in the midst of battle your sword grew hotter— a lightest mark of blue snowflakes decorating the skin of your jaw trailing down your neck.

"Breath of the Snow First-Form: Eternal Winter."

Andrenaline rushed faster into your body than ever, ironically the hotness of the blade made the attack more powerful, blood spurting from the spot where you cut off the head of your dear friend.

You didn't hear the gentle voice of the younger version of Taki calling out to you, a smile plastered on his delicate face as he faded into nothing while his body crumbled to ash.

A lone tear came from your eyes, as the pain of losing your friend seems to still have an effect on you. Your legs buckled, your whole body sliding to the ground. You clutched the new wound, hissing as you still tried to stand up.

You held another bandage, clumsily wrapping and securing it as the more blood oozes out of you. Sweat clung to your face, wetting the strands of your hair while you breathe heavily.

Gripping the handle of your sword to help you guide your way, you heard the clashing of swords nearby.

Your ears ringed, the last ounce of strength taken from you as you fluttered your eyes close— the last thing you heard is your own crow saying that one of the pillars, Shinobu Kocho, is dead.


The desperate screams startled you, jolting you awake as the noise is getting closer.  The small amount of sleep regenerated a little bit of your strength, your legs carrying you once again as you went to the noise.

"Muzan has been revived!! The pillars must gathet all at once!!" The shyness of your crow is long gone, she seemed sharper and braver this time. You carried on, hastily running to whichever direction it may lead you.

You stopped when the ground began to shake profusely, the walls of the fortress now crumbling to dust in an alarming rate. Your vision landed to Tomioka and Tanjiro, then onto Muzan— his form changed completely.

The deep black of hair turning into a shade of white, with several sharp mouths on some parts of his body, mainly on his hands and legs.

Before you could react, the walls came toppling over you. You blacked out once more for a moment, yet after you regained consciousness you can hear the chirp of Tanjiro's bird, the news bringing more fear than hope.

"There's still an hour and half left till sunrise!"

"No.. it can't be." You murmured, vision still hazy because of the wounds and the sudden shift of the destroyed fortress. In the corner of your eye you can see Kanroji and Iguro, Tomioka and Tanjiro— but no Sanemi in your line of sight.

Muzan launched a fast attack with his whip-like hands, and you had no choice but to use several breaths to atleast defend yourself to this monster.

Your wounds ache bitterly, but this is no time to rest. The mark vanished when you fall into unconsciousness, and you are determined to get it again.

The Enake pillar is quick to pierce his sword to Muzan's neck, yet in a moment he regenerated faster, the damage is zero.

"Eh!" The Love pillar reacted, surprised that Muzan is undamaged despite getting cut in a vital point.

"Fuck, stay back!" You shouted hoarsely, noticing that this is the perfect time for the demon to strike. Several slayers acted as a 'human shield' for the pillars, including you.

A lot lost their lives, some gravely injured just for you to keep living. You displayed an emotion of shock and anger as Muzan coldly slaughtered everyone in his sight, you wondered if he still has an ounce of mercy left in his vile body.

"Hey you— fuck, get off of me! Don't do this to yourselves!" You cried as the others keep on advancing, like several moths being drawn into a forest fire.

Blood messily splattered everywhere, you hated it. The smell of iron keeps on coating your senses, leaving a dull ache in your heart as the slayers keep dying.

You can recognize some of their faces when they trained under you— some of them you shared your food and drinks with.

A cough startled you even more, Tanjiro's breath heaving as you made your way towards him. He spatted the familiar crimson liquid, your face contorting into horror as his face looks unimaginable.

"He has soaked in my own blood during the attack. The amount of my blood is too much, and it won't turn him into a demon." Muzan spoke, his voice flowing like silk as you gritted your teeth, cupping the back of Tanjiro's head to prevent him from falling roughly onto the ground, but it did nothing to lessen the pain.

"Kamado Tanjiro is already dead."


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