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As expected, series of surprised expressions filled the room, including you. Your mind short-circuited, wanting to ask the already exhausted Tanjiro about Kibutsuji.

"That can't be.."

"We Pillars have never even come into contact with him..!!"

"And this guy had?"

Shinazugawa pulled on Tanjiro's hair, causing discomfort to the young slayer. The sudden shift of attitude and curiosity from the pillars isn't doing good— and every passing second just resulted into chaos and confusion.

You didn't dare to question Tanjiro despite your want, you can always ask him later— but after saying your apologies of course.

Ubuyashiki raised a finger, indicating silence. All of the pillars stopped the chaotic interview, and the sick man said that they musn't let go of the lead you all had with Kibutsuji, ending with the phrase of:

"Do you understand?"

But of course a lot of the pillars are reluctant, and it shows. Shinazugawa still protested, "I do not understand Oyakata-sama. We can let humans live, but demons must not. I cannot consent."

He proceeded to draw out the sharp green blade, also known as his sword, and slashed his arm— enough to draw a fair amount of blood.

"This is absurd Shinazugawa.." you intervened, but it doesn't seem to be taking any effect. Mitsuri's features grew worried, visibly confused to why Shinazugawa still needs to do ridiculous stunts such as that.

"Oyakata-sama! I will present to you the ugliness of what we call demons!!" Shinazugawa growled, that crazed expression back on his face making you shudder.

"Sanemi.." Ubuyashiki thought that Shinazugawa is unstoppable, with the actions he is currently presenting to him.

Sanemi grabbed the box containing Nezuko, harshly tugging before letting the crimson blood drip over the slit he made earlier, while Tanjiro is shocked seeing once again, Nezuko be hurt by this monster.

Iguro seemed to take Shinazugawa's side, coaxing him to not do it in the sunlight and to move to a shaded part— which happens to be the Ubuyashiki's quarters.

"Oyakata-sama, forgive my rudeness." He said before skipping with the box in hand.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro screamed, but Iguro beat him to it by crushing his further injured lungs to the ground.

You watched in annoyance as Shinazugawa gave the demon a few stabs, and is "convincing" Nezuko to come out and show her true demon colors in front of every pillar present, including Ubuyashiki, including you.

Tanjiro kept breathing heavily, but Kocho warned him of his vessels exploding, while the pillars made their own remarks on the sideline. With one thing happening to the other, you are not surprised when Tanjiro broke loose from his binds, and the silent Tomioka lent a hand to catch the Snake Pillar's hands.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro screamed one more time, and after an intense staring contest with Shinazugawa, she turned her head back. She avoided the fiesty smell of blood, remembering that humans are her comrades, and she shouldn't eat them.

Ubuyashiki's daughter explain the situation to her father, and he finally said that event is a proof Nezuko wouldn't attack humans, and the tension finally ceased.

After a few more exchange of words, Tanjiro and Nezuko are being swept up by the kakushis. You paid the kakushis no mind, and the turmoil in your stomach finally loosened up.

Ubuyashiki also commanded that Shinazugawa and Iguro should cease to "bully" the younger slayers, earning a grumble of "as you command" from the two slayers.

You sighed, remembering you still have a lot of explaining to do later.


"Kocho, I need to see Tanjiro and the others." You said, stopping the younger pillar.

"Ara~ you seem to be good at hiding from us Hajime-san, who knew that you already crossed paths and be good buddies with Tanjiro-kun." There is no bite behind her words, but you sure are not taking any remarks from her right now.

"I'll explain later, it's not like I wanted to keep my missions a secret."

"Alright, I'll bring you to the estate."

You followed Kocho closely, and within a few leaps you finally reached the door where the three younger slayers are being taken care of.

A slayer exited the room, which you knew go by the name of Murata, because he is interviewed to explain how the Natagumo incident happened and whatnot.

And as expected, he is terrified of two pillars on his presence right now. Not that you mind.

"Oi Kocho, I'll speak to them first. Their training and whatever you had in mind will follow." You didn't mean to sound so commanding, but you are quite in a hurry.

As a pillar, your time is scarce. And dealing with a bunch of slayers which you owe an apology isn't helping to minimize your schedule.

"Pardon the intrusion." You entered with shaky hands, and the three young slayers looked at you.

"Eh?! This is the lady from before right Tanjiro? Why is she here?" Zenitsu shrieked, and you swear you saw his eyes pop out for a minute.

"U-uh, [Name] san is actually a pillar. But I'm sure she'll explain everything to us." Tanjiro waved, at Zenitsu, now wearing a white button up and seemed to be doing better.

"Why is Inosuke laying down like this?" You asked, seeing the boar-kid go silent. He is usually filled with energy, and seeing him like this is quite.. sad.

"His throat got crushed or something, that's why he cannot talk for awhile." Zenitsu said, looking down on the white sheets.

"I see.."

"I'm here to actually say sorry, specially to you Tanjiro. I took interest about what happened during one of Tomioka's missions, and went undercover to find more about you two." You spilled, but the boy in front seemed not to mind. He just listened with doe eyes, no anger or resentment present in them.

"That's okay [Name]-san! I'm confused when I saw you with the other pillars honestly.. but seeing you take our side makes me happy." The boy smiled, and a fuzzy feeling came from you— Tanjiro is too pure for this world.

"T-thank you Tanjiro, if you ever need help don't think twice before asking my aid. It's a way to pay you back. Enjoy your rest." You stood up, cutting the conversations short.

Zenitsu is still processing that you are a pillar, while Inosuke is sleepy but a glint behind his boar mask indicated he is suprised as well.

You wave a goodbye, and slid the door open while being greeted by Shinobu. "Seems like you made up with them Hajime-san~" Her sing song tone rang from one ear to another, but right now a small sigh of relief is all you can muster.

"Yeah, I'll get going now. Thanks."

And that's one problem solved. But of course you just pushed one thought to the back of your head, and that is the furious Shinazugawa whose relationship with you is hanging by a fucking thread.


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