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The same tiredness lingers in your eyes everyday, yet still hopeful. Despite your parents abandoning you because of the lack of money in your household, you cannot remember their faces, nor how their touch feels like.

You know it's wrong, to pickpocket strangers and to steal things for survival, but what can you do?

Just a kid, you are just kids who formed a group— to provide what your 'families' could not, which is basic needs and comfort.

"Taki-chan, is that all we really had?" You asked the snow-haired kid beside you, as he is counting the money you cannot help but feel dreadful.

It's been a good three days since you have taste bread, even a stale one would suffice if you are lucky enough to find one.

"Yeah, we were caught by those thugs down the bridge. It seems like they are waiting for us and rob everything we got." Kira, another child who accompanies you, hides his bruise down the shabby clothing of her kimono, obviously feeling jitters as they are forced to fight other groups of kids while hungry.

"I'll treat that wound, and later we'll be able to trade this coins for food."

"[Name] you don't need to do this, you are the oldest member here, you should be worrying about other things other than this bruise of mine." Kira refused your help, as she ripped a piece of cloth and tied it around the wounds that are black and blue.

"To be honest, I think we are quite lucky we got out there alive." Her breath is shaky, yet continued to speak with little difficulty.


You planned to trade the coins for rice and fish, but the judgemental crowd prevent you from doing so.

"Her clothes is so dirty? Where are her parents?"

"Oh dear she must be doing dirty jobs here and there! Or she might be carrying some disease as well."

Gritting your teeth was not enough to control your anger, and the other kids noticed that too.

"[Name] san, please calm down. We are near the market now."

"Yes, so please bear with us a little longer." Yes, you need to bear with it. No point in arguing about the people around you as you want to avoid trouble for now.

The kids are about 5 to 6 years of age, while you are 13. To be honest, you did not want to take them in— but the more you are, the less lonely you would feel.

You reached the market shortly, and as if on cue, the children by your side disappeared and probably went to pickpocket some strangers. You want to feel bad once again, but instead a strange dull echoed in your chest as you are used to it by now.

Looking at the usual old man you always went to, you gave him a smile and asked.

"Old man, what can I get?"

"Oh [Name], are you still doing 'that'?"

"You mean pickpocketing? Yes, it's not like a had a choice anyway." You laughed it off, knowing that the old man in front of you understand the direness of your situation.

The old man's has been kind to you ever since you tried to steal something from his stall. It may be fish or meat near the expiration date if you are lucky, but today is not your day.

Right now, you just wait for the other kids and sat by the old man.

"I remembered the day you tried to steal from me [Name]. You look so skinny, and your hands are thinner than a stick."

"Oh that? I have gain some weight ever since I had more kids with me, we are doing well old man."

"Doing well? Hmm, call that whatever you want but pickpocketing is still wrong [Name], you should stop as soon as possible."

His tone wasn't angry, but you know the concern laced in them. He had somehow took care of you when you were a small child, and you have no idea how to pay him back.

"I want to, but it's our way of living at this point. No one wants to starve and die by the streets and be considered as a rat." Your face is as gloomy as it gets, eyes trained to the ground.

"Okay then, I still wish you a happy life [Name], please take thing slowly, it will benefit you immensely rather than resorting to this methods like this."

As you are about to answer, the kids from earlier went to your side, showing off the money you knew it's not yours, but nevertheless you let them, they earned it at the very least.

"[Name] san!! We have a lot!! Let's go home!!"

"Yes, let's go home."


The atmosphere full of chatters died down, as you tucked the younger kids to bed after a hearty meal. You are content that you ate a proper meal again, even if it is just flavorless rice and seasonings— it's enough.

As a habit, you watched the kids sleep for a few minutes before sleeping on your own, but you keep dozing of out of tiredness.

Then suddenly, as if to wake you up from your half-sleepy trance, you heard a rustle, it might be a person, but who?

"Who might be awake at this hour?"

You tiptoed, careful not to wake any children. The noise is getting louder, and the noise of several utensils are being thrown messily into the ground made your heart leap with mild fear and discomfort.

You cannot believe it. It's just from the legends right? They cannot be real, but hear you are, standing before one, as it tried to look for its prey in the dreadful night with eyes in slits— horns protruding, moves abnormal and obviously inhuman.

A demon, and it is coming to hunt not only a piece of you, but all of you.


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