𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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"A driver is on its way. I used my location for him to track us down."

"Great, cause the sun is setting and I am fucking hungry." You are currently in a sitting position, eyes threatening to fall into sleep.

Honestly, you forgot that the man in front of you is your boss— the owner of the business you work in, cause right now all you wanted is to rest and work tomorrow.

Sanemi did not sat in the whole time, his back is against the stone wall, with eyes flickering every now and then to his phone. If not, you can see him spacing out, looking everywhere but you.

In your state you could not care less. He dragged you into a world full of flashing cameras, and a good ride on the way back home is a good compensation— and maybe a raise for your salary.

"Why didn't you tell me you are Sanemi Shinazugawa..?" As if drunk, you babbled lazily, finally voicing out the thoughts you kept a few moments ago.

Finally, he looked at you, the striking feeling of the familiar contours of his face to the build of his body made your mind fog up and think about him, this time in a black uniform, with a sheathed sword—

What are you even thinking?

"I have no obligation to tell you."

"If you told me that you are my boss, then I would have showed you the café and not be stuck in some dark alleyway. Not to mention the horde of paparazzis that chased me." You sighed deeply, curling into a ball this time to stray away from the vibrant glint of his lilac eyes.

"You are fucking scandalous you know?" You added.

"None of your business." He retorted, crossing his arms as he finally sinked to the cold ground, legs tired. "I could fire you right now, I don't need to know your name to do that. So don't make any shit comments about me as if I'm not in front of you."

Odd, you don't remember him being this nonchalant—

No, you have to stop with these flashbacks. If you had a past life, this idiot in front of you is definitely not in it!

"News said you are caught sneaking away from your position to go to a house party a while ago." You continued pressing his buttons, as much as you hate the fact that you might lose your job by angering him, you think this playboy deserved it. "And your ex is there."

"That's fake."

You laughed sleepily at his comment, the feeling of drowsiness creeping up fast as your vision becomes blurry. Finally black spots clouded your mind, and you are fast asleep in the most uncomfortable position Sanemi had seen.

Your knees are pressed into your stomach, while your head rested on your crossed arms that is propped on your knee. A warm buzz elicited from his chest— something that made him comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

He kept his oddly short temper around you, and the lull of your voice felt like he had met you somewhere, but his memory is too hazy to remember it.

Sanemi felt himself move out of instinct, the black jacket tied around his waist now being draped on your back. He felt bad on why he dragged someone random into his messy life, but why is the word random not fitting for someone like you?

His thoughts are interrupted when his driver finally honked at the other end of the alleyway, the familiar car he drove around now in sight.

Instead of waking you up, the first thing that came to his mind is to pick you up the dirty ground and carry you— and that's what he did.

He felt the soft nuzzle you unconsciously did, and he liked that as much as he convinced himself that you just met today.

"Not to be rude sir but do you know where she lives?" The driver asked as he finally settled inside the car.

Ah, he totally forgot asking you that.

"Uh no, but that's not important. Take us home." By what Sanemi meant home— he meant going back to the house he owned by himself.

His father insisted he moved out of the extravagantly large mansion his family owned before granting him the position of being a CEO, a role he never wanted, and that's what he did.

Sanemi moved out, and with his great sum of money he found a house in no time that is closer to his workplace and of course, much more closer to the parties he went on.

Before the driver pushed the pedals, he is careful to place you on the other side of the back seat and put a safety belt on you. The ride was silent as he tried to collect the events that happened today.

The reason why he wanted to find the shop is that his father got angry when he did not meet the staff of the bakery you work in yesterday, that's why his father wanted him to go to the bakery and apologize himself.

He knew that angering his father more is not a good idea— that's why Sanemi obliged. On his way he met a lot of paparazzis chasing him, because of the current scandals he is caught up and he had no choice but to run away from the blinding lights.

Then he met you, but never expected the cameras to follow him so quickly again.

"Sir we are here."

"Right, now ask the housekeeper to prepare a bath for her."


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