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chirp.. chirp..

You woke up, feeling the cold part of the futon beside you. It is no surprise the wind pillar went ahead, probably to go training or whatever is on his mind.

"mm.." you still don't want to get up, but realizing you picked up a new kid yesterday, you springed from the bed and get yourself ready.

Wondering, you don't know how did you managed to sleep in the demon slaying uniform. Maybe it's because of fatigue? Or you just don't want to let go of the opportunity to sleep with Sanemi.

You heard a small sound of bamboos sharply hitting the ground, and saw the white haired male doing some warm-ups. He is still in the green outfit you put on him last night, and doesn't seem to be getting ready for duty.

"You awake?" Sanemi glanced to your direction, eyes meeting with yours immediately. Is this his way of showing good morning?

Not really sweet but that will do.

"Yeah, thank you."

"No need to thank me, you've done enough last night."

"Oh okay.. I'll be going now." You made your way through the gate, as award as it is you tried to relieve the tension of the air by waving him goodbye, Sanemi eventually waving back with the bamboo stick on his other hand.

"Ah! [Name] san, how are you today?" Your kakushi asked, after you went home and changed into something.. more comfortable. A pastel blue haori with no prints, just the way you liked it. You replied with 'I'm fine' after eating the left over rice balls Himari had done earlier, and you could day she is pretty good at it than you.

"Maybe Himari-chan should teach me to make this someday." Himari giggled and cleaned the dishes she previously used, while you wondered where the male kakushi went, and you can't see the child you brought last night either.

"Where is Yuma? And the smaller kid as well, I left a note yesterday that the child cannot travel by himself yet." Your gaze turned slightly worried, and you stood up to check the rooms. A relieve sigh crossed your features as you saw your two boys beside each other, still sleeping despite it is already late morning.

You always had that built up anxiety whenever you cannot see your tsuguko or any child that lives in your roof, the dark memories of the past clouding your mind and it always ends up spoiling your mood. But not today, not when they are still here inside your estate.

"Oh uhm, Sora-kun had a nightmare when we came back from a mission a few hours ago. That's why Yuma calmed him down."

"Ah that's glad to hear, you should rest too. I'll be leaving in a few days again, make sure to look out for each other when I'm gone." You closed the sliding door, careful not to make a sound.

A few months later

The last months is a busy one, leaving you little to no rest at all. Night is when you are awake, and day is when you fell into a tiring slumber. It's almost as if your sleep schedule turned into a demon's, but right now is not the right time to worry about that.

Currently you are in a small village, looking at some latest demon sightings. The attacks are relentless, spreading terror over the villagers.

It's nighttime, and you wonder how the trio is doing. The last time you saw Tanjiro, he had been doing the training Shinobu constructed for them, as well as the other two.

The young child you picked up, Sora, had been better the last time you saw him. His scars and bruises healed nicely, and your kakushis are treating him just like a sibling.

Despite everything going nicely, you are anxious when it comes to Rengoku. You frequently exchanged some letters with the pillars, and that includes the cheery Flame Pillar.

His last letters indicated going to the city, and investigate about various disappearances of low-ranking slayers, how they have no reports of what is happening, and not coming back at all.

It's been two days since then, but worrying about others may disrupt your focus on protecting what's in front of you.

"Oh a pillar, must be my luck." A voice emerged from your back, a demon it seems. From all the other demons you've faced, you haven't seen one with wings.

The demon had no horns, but it had a light purple-ish skin, eyes sharp and resembled a falcon ready to catch it's prey. Wings colored in black with a silver shine, it's quite pretty to be honest.

"I'll be offering that head of yours to Muzan-sama, and I'll be one of the next kizukis."

"Are you done? I might cut you in two before you finished talking."

The demon chuckled, flapping it's wings aggressively, as if experimental— a wave of air went into your direction.

But it's not a normal air, instead it cut through its way. The ground cracked in a matter of seconds, yet you deflected it with ease.

"Muzan won't make you one of the kizukis, you're being delusional." You said, sword unsheathed and already in position.

The problem with flying types, is that it will be a long fight. They are bothersome because slayers can't fight in the air, and it needs a barrage of accurate and continuous attacks, or else the demon will regenerate and escape.

"We'll see about that."

Instead of lunging forward, the demon maintained a good distance from you, and obviously you are at a disadvantage.

Or so he thought.

You can't deflect his attacks by sword, cause small particles of air will fly to your face and it will end up bloody. You need to get close to this guy first.

You jumped to land on a roof, landing gracefully as another slash came your way, the demon obviously in glee as the slash almost caught up with you, cutting a strand of your hair and a piece of your haori.

"This is my favorite haori bastard." Despite saying that, you are still in a cool state, evading the three more slashes and the demon's smile dropped.

"Tch, you are a troublesome pillar." It snarled, and it's now your time for a smirk to cross your face. You didn't even break a sweat to avoid the attacks, [eye color] orbs glinting as the night feels young even though dawn is just around the corner

"You're tired already? But your attacks are slow even a baby can evade it."

"What did you say?!"

"I say that if you ever become a kizuki, it just means Muzan is becoming desperate." With that small distraction, its movements momentarily stopped.

"Breath of the Snow Sixth Form: Avalanche." Snow emerged from your sword, cutting the demon in half instead of decapitating it. The demon fell to the pile of snow due to your breath style, and disintegrated before you knew it.

Snow clusters from your Sixth Breath somehow acts like a weak wisteria, disintegrating demons in a snap.

"Demons waste my time, as always." You sighed, plopping to a nearby bench and eventually saw the sun from the corner of your eye.

You almost fall back to sleep, but you saw your familiar karasu panicked than usual. It went to you with teary eyes, and your expression dropped as it said the dreaded news you did not expect.

"[Name] san, Kyojuro Rengoku is dead."


the writer's block is over (• ▽ •;) sorry for not updating. the next chapters will include a lot of timeskips

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