20k special!

4.5K 138 87

sorry for making y'all wait :>> fyi this is not related to the recent chapters and is pre-timeskip


The markets are busy once again, the Monday breeze already hot as you tried to squeeze between the hordes of people.

No demon hunting for today, as there are no demons left. Everyone can finally linger freely without worrying for their safety— and that includes you and the ones you want to protect.

Today is Sora's birthday.

You want it to be special for him, because his last birthdays' are spent with his friends who have passed away, with no presents or fancy food by his side.

Being a (previous) pillar, you earned a lot, and throwing a party is something you can do almost everyday— but the boy specifically said that fancy is not his style. That is why you are here, in the market, ready to buy him gifts and food.

"Ara, you are also here [Name]?" The Insect Pillar greeted you, Aoi by her side. She held a basket full of medicines and herbs, as she now had a job to take care of sick persons as a doctor.

"Yeah, I need to buy something. It's Sora's birthday."

"I'm surprised Shinazugawa isn't on your tail today." She giggled, a smirk playing by on her lips.

Well that was out of topic. You stopped on your tracks, smiling a little. You admit the man won't leave you alone, and as much as you enjoy his company you know he likes to spend time with Genya as well.

But today the two siblings agreed to help you arrange the celebration, as well as Mitsuri and Tomioka, who you did not know exactly why he decided to help.

"He's busy today. I'm sure he won't mind if 'm gone for a few hours."

"Really? But I saw him just know. Why don't you turn around and look for him yourself?"

As if on cue, you turned around, and found him exactly heading your way. He is dressed in a simple sage green kimono and slippers, one which you gave him a few weeks ago. Geez, he really couldn't leave you alone could he?

"Why are you here?" You approached him, ignoring the giggles of Shinobu as she left, with an awkward Aoi following close by.


"I got the chickens here, why did you come?" You playfully asked again, a larger smile crossing your lips while Sanemi tried to avert his gaze.

"I was worried.. it's been 2 hours." You admit he grew a lot softer after the final fight. He doesn't scold Genya as much anymore, and finally came to terms with Tanjiro and his friends.

He is still the hot-headed man you grew feelings for, but there is still one thing missing.

He haven't asked you out yet.

"I can handle demons well enough, of course I can handle to go to the market alone too." You teased, nudging him on the side. You gave him the basket full of ingredients, and he happily carried it with a blush painted on his face.

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