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     Despite getting warning glares from the faces of many hybrids around her, she felt at ease, knowing they had reached the destination Namjoon wanted to get to. He and the others went to get things ready for the night. After Jae had asked what she could do to help, and them insisting to just relax, she ended up wandering off by herself and dipping her feet into a cool lake nearby.

The water felt good in between her toes, and she enjoyed the feeling of the soft breeze blowing through her hair. She closed her eyes and for a moment she forgot about her worries. Each one of the men's faces manifested inside her head and she felt herself smiling. She was curious as to why she felt like she had known them for years when she'd only known them for only a short time. It was strange, she felt like she was battling herself.

    Jungkook. He was incredibly sweet, attentive, not to mention gorgeous. She had a feeling he noticed a lot more than he lets on, and there was a lot more to him underneath the surface. She wanted to know more about him.

    Taehyung. She felt flushed when she thought about how close he was to her when they slept together, and how she felt so safe in his arms, not to mention the fact that he looks like he was sculpted by gods. He seems to see the world a little differently, just like she does.

    Jimin. Behind the sweet and innocent looking face and demeanor, there was something else that she couldn't quite grasp, something more intense and mischievous, and she was more than curious to find out what it was.

    Hobi. He seemed so happy all the time, she often couldn't help but wonder if it was real happiness, or if it was a front. She had to pretend to be happy constantly, so she knew how draining it could be. She remembered when he grabbed her wrist before. His touch was electrifying, and he had a much firmer grip than she expected. Perhaps there was another side of him she hasn't seen yet?

    Yoongi. Although off to a rough start, they seemed to be on middle grounds now. Ever since he helped her escape from the motel, he's given her soft glances and she just knew that saving her was his apology for the night before. She just needed to give him time.

    Jin. Tall, handsome, funny, and naturally comforting. The whole sky could be falling and she would be alright, as long as Jin was with her. He seemed to always have everything together, even in the most dire situations, and always so emotionally connected with everyone else, like an empath of sorts.

    Of course, Namjoon. She had saved him, but it was also appropriate to say he saved her. More accurately, they saved each other. Furthermore, Jae agreed that, in a sense, all of seven of them saved her. They made her feel seen, for the first time in a long time. She felt like a human being, from a group of hybrids no less, and she felt like she belonged. She wanted to stay, she didn't want to be separated from them ever again. They were her home, and by some illogical explanation, she felt like she was destined to meet them.

    Her heart sank when she realized they probably didn't feel the same. They had no reason to want her to stay, and even though Yoongi didn't fully mean it, he was right when she said she was a threat to their safety. She had to leave them, for their sake. She would find some way to be on her own. She wasn't sure where Yeona would send her, but wherever it was, she decided right then and there that as much as it was going to tear her apart, she couldn't be selfish. They had to go separate ways, for their sake.

    She could hear a faint voice in the distance, and it sounded small, like a child's. She took her feet out of the water and went to pick up her shoes when she heard a soft splash nearby. She looked up and a couple hundred yards away she saw a red ball floating at the edge of the lake.

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