Fake Love

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The next morning Jae, much to her dismay, woke up alone. In Jungkook's absence, she immediately thought about the night prior, and she couldn't help but smile and giggle as if she were a teenager who just had her first kiss.

After the initial joy went away, worrisome thoughts started protruding her mind however, as they always seem to do. How will the other guys feel? What if they don't like it? What if they hate me for it? What if they get mad at Jungkook? A bunch of other questions raced through her mind as she got up and decided to walk outside. Seeing them would make her feel more at ease.

The bright sun was shining down on her and she could make out the hustle and bustle of the hybrids in the camp. Her seven familiar hybrids, however, were nowhere to be found.

So, she decided to wander and enjoy the bright green scenery, while doing her best to keep her distance from the other hybrids, and ignore any stares they gave her. She had walked a little ways, and then she heard a familiar voice, "Stop it! Right now, both of you!!" Namjoon was growling deeply, like a warning. Jae became worried and lightly jogged in the direction of the voice. "What the fuck is your problem?" That was Jungkook and he sounded angry.

Jae peaked ever so quietly and her eyes shot open as he saw Namjoon holding Jimin back, and Jin had his arms around Jungkook's, holding him as well. She almost gasped when she saw Jungkook's bloody lip. Both were trying to be unrestrained but to no avail.

Yoongi arms were crossed, Tae looked pissed and he looked like he was chewing something and Hobi looked like he was about to jump up and help with worried eyes darting back and forth. Jae gulped on air. Did Jimin know we kissed last night? Is that why he punched him? Was he actually awake?

"Just tell us if what Jimin said is true or not. It's important." Jin said to Jungkook, still fighting him. "What does he mean? What did you tell them?"
Jimin rolled his eyes. "I don't know, Jungkook. What would I have told them?" Jae had never seen Jimin like this. He was always so loving and smiled around everyone else, but now he looked nothing short of...envious.

"I don't know, Jimin. That's why I'm asking you." Jungkook snapped back, a little too defensively. Yoongi was looking straight at the ground, not saying a word. Namjoon cleared his throat. "I'm just going to ask you outright, Kook. Did you scent her?"

Everything froze at that moment. Not even the sound of wind was blowing and Jae felt the need to cover her mouth in order to not make any noise. Did he scent me? What does that even mean? He kissed me but that's not the same thing, right?

Jungkook looked shocked but he answered almost immediately, "No! Of course not! I would never do that unless she wanted me to. Unlike him over there. He almost did it earlier in front of everyone. You all saw it." He said, glaring at Tae. "What was that?" he growled, gripping his thighs. "I wasn't the one who had her wrapped all around me this morning. She smelled like you, so you can't blame us for believing-"

"Okay, we get it. We believe you Jungkook. Namjoon we should tell them now, before things get any worse. We need to get back soon, I don't like thinking about Jae in that tent by herself. You both need to stop acting like children fighting over a toy." Jin spoke up, slowly letting Jungkook from his grip. Namjoon did the same, and Jimin rolled his shoulders, causing them to pop. Namjoon gave Yoongi a look, almost as if to ask if something was okay. Yoongi just looked away, and Jae couldn't read his expression. "Tell us what?" Jimin huffed.

Namjoon took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He looked at Jimin and Jungkook, "Would you too agree that, under normal circumstances, you would never hit each other? This is the first time this has happened between you two, right?" They looked at each other, and Jimin immediately looked apologetic when he saw Jungkook's face. "I...yes." Jimin said quietly.

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