Louder than Bombs

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When the garage door opened with an agonizing creak, Jae braced herself for the worst. Her soul almost left her body as she saw multiple feet revealed on the other side. They were bare, and dirty. As soon as she saw that, she didn't know what to think.

Her eyes darted to Hobi, who looked just as bewildered as her. The hybrids they had just freed, relaxed from their defensive postures as the door opened agonizingly slow. Relief filled the air as they were greeted by other hybrids, which Jae could only assume were affiliated with Yeona. This must have been the "help" that she had been referring to.

"We don't have much time." Said a burly hybrid in the front, motioning towards the other hybrids to come forward. His ears indicated he was a bear. Surprisingly, some of the hybrids looked at Hobi, as if asking for reassurance. Hobi looked back and forth, and tried to reassure them.

"They're with a friend of ours. They're going to take you somewhere safe." Hobi said carefully, and the bear hybrid nodded sincerely. Now that the garage door was fully open, Jae could hear more noises that were coming from outside. She heard the soft rumble of a fire, and she heard familiar voices that made her heart sink.

She heard Jin's voice, yelling Namjoon's name. She also heard Tae's soft, almost muffled cries that instantly broke her heart. "You're Jae?" As if in a trance, Jae didn't notice another hybrid from Yeona's group had walked up to her. "Where is Miss Yeona?" the female hybrid asked. She stuttered back, "I-I don't know...we were separated."

It was then that she heard the familiar sound of Namjoon growling, and it was nothing short of malicious. She had feared something had happened to make him like that. She felt confident enough that the hybrids they had rescued were now in safe, capable hands.

She rushed over to the bear hybrid. "I can't thank you enough for this." Hobi suddenly appeared beside her, almost protectively. The bear looked skeptical of Jae, as he said, "It's not like I'm doing it for you. I'm doing it for them." He said, nodding to the hybrids who were slowly but surely leaving with the assistance of others.

Jae saw that Hobi narrowed his eyes at the comment, but Jae understood. "We couldn't have done this without you all. So thank you. Truly" She bowed deeply, and the bear raised his eyebrows in shock.

She turned to Hobi, "Did you hear-" She didn't even finish her question and Hobi nodded. She knew by the gleam in his concerned eyes that they had heard the same noises. They had to find the others and fast.

"I'll repay you all for this. That's a promise." Those were the last words she spoke before grabbing Hobi's hand, and rushing off in the opposite direction, towards the awful sounds that were growing louder and louder in her ears. She had to figure out where she and Hobi were exactly, as they ran up what seemed like a grassy hill.

The underground bunker had actually ended up away from the mansion, and because of this, the fire that had started inside of it could be seen growing larger and larger. That wasn't what caught most of her attention.

Her heart dropped all the way to her feet, and she felt like time was going in slow motion. Everything seemed to turn into a blur, as she saw dark figures lying on the grass, barely being illuminated by the glow of the fire that was consuming the mansion. Motionless. She couldn't tell who the figures belonged to from this distance.. Hobi was just as frozen beside her.

"Namjoon..." she heard Hobi croak out.

The sound of his wolf, and another type of snarl made her snap her head toward the noise. She gasped and put her hands to her mouth as she saw Namjoon fighting an all too familiar looking fox. They thrashed at each other like wild animals, biting and yelping in response to each other's attacks.

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