Do You Think It Makes Sense?

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       After drying herself from the accidental swimming session with Hobi, Jae was playing Uno with him, Tae, and Jungkook. Much to his disappointment, Tae wasn't quite understanding the rules, making him an easy target to give all the cards to.

      Hobi and Jungkook weren't showing him any mercy. She saw Namjoon watching out of the corner of her eye, and when she finally turned to glance at him, he had a small smile on his face, but she could tell he was troubled. 

      He tilted his head a little, signalling he wanted her  to go over there. He looked rather serious, and maybe a little apprehensive about it. She told the boys to play a few rounds without her and ended up following him into another bedroom.

      She saw Jin as well, sitting on the bed, wearing a similar expression to Namjoon's. Once they were both inside, Namjoon closed the door behind them. "What's wrong?" Jae asked, eyes darting between the two of them.

      They briefly glanced at each other, and then Namjoon spoke first, "So, Jin and I thought we should talk to you about this whole situation." He was starting to pace, whereas Jin was sitting perfectly still, "Joonie, don't pace. It's making her more nervous." he simply said.

       Jae just stood there, waiting for one of them to give her an explanation. Namjoon looked too nervous, and Jin's ears were starting to turn red with embarrassment. In any other circumstance, she would have laughed.

      "Jae, we thought about your decision, and we all support it if you're absolutely certain it's what you want to do," Jin said slowly, "However, we have a question, well actually, more of a proposition." He glanced at Namjoon and then back to her, "Since you're new to this, and we are too, we want to do this right the first time. What's concerning Joon and I the most is"

      Namjoon took a breath, "We're concerned that they might hurt you in their...haze." His eyes looked right into hers, "They've had their heats before, and they're not...gentle. Both of them being predatory on top of it... I don't need to go into detail, but it could be dangerous for you, in regards to what your body can take..." He sounded genuinely concerned and Jae quickly shook her head. It was awkward, sure, but she knew it was necessary.

       "What's the proposition?" she asked in a small voice. Again, they looked at each other. Jae swore there was some inner telepathy going on that she wasn't a part of. "So...we talked to Jungkook..." Jae felt heat rise to her face. "O-Oh..I see." What did he say? Do they know what we did?

     Namjoon quickly continued, "He told us you're...he said you haven't ever done anything with anyone." Jae caught on and again, shook her head, and stared at the floor. She wanted to run out of the room and put her face in the snow. "A-And that's okay! It's actually a good thing.." he muttered.

     Jae lifted her eyes at that and he pretended he didn't say a word. "Anyway, all of that being said..." He paused, as if trying to word whatever he wanted to say correctly. Jin rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily, "There's really no easy way to ask this. Do you want to get your first time over with? With one of us?"

      Jae's jaw dropped, "Huh?"

      Namjoon shook his head, "I know. I know it's unconventional to just outright ask you something like that, and we aren't trying to pressure you at all. We're just worried that Jimin or Yoongi will do something you aren't prepared for. Out of the seven of us, they're the At least, that we know of so far... and we don't want you to be scared of us. We..."

      Jae could tell he was holding back something he really wanted to say. Jin swallowed, and finished the sentence for him, "We care about you more than you can even imagine, and we want you to be safe." Jin got up from the bed and gently grabbed both of her hands. "If you think this is stupid and you want us to stop talking about it, then we will. Just say the word. We'll pretend like this conversation never happened." Namjoon chimed in.

       "I..I don't think it's stupid..." Jae mumbled, still not noting that Jin was holding her hands. She thought about it. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. I mean, they were both very attractive...Namjoon was the leader. Strong, level headed. Jin was the oldest, caring and sweet. She trusted them both.

       She knew she liked them so much it hurt just to think about it. Was that love? She wasn't sure just yet. Anyhow, she figured it wouldn't be so bad to experience sex for the first time without having to worry about anything extra. She could ease into it.

       She had admittedly dipped a toe in, with what she did with Jungkook last night. She felt like a child feeling scared about the unknown, but she didn't know what to expect. She hated that she was so sheltered. She hated it with every fiber of her being.

       Both Jin and Namjoon were staring at her, waiting anxiously for her answer. "Okay." Jae finally said. "I'm okay with that." She kept staring at Jin's hands holding her own, he was gently swaying them back and forth. She didn't look at them because she was still embarrassed.

       "Only if you're sure." Jin said gently. "I am.." she mumbled. Namjoon chuckled, "I know. Trust me, this isn't how we planned for this to go but, given the situation we're in, you're right. Like you said a while ago, it would be better if you decided out, so to speak." There was a pause where the three of them didn't say anything.

       "So...Namjoon or me." Jin asked. Oh. Right. Jae looked up at him, and then to Namjoon. It was like choosing between chocolate and ice cream. Both were delicious in their own way. Would it be such a crime to have both at the same time? No, that's silly stop it. "Well.." Jae didn't want to hurt any of their feelings by choosing one over the other either.

       But as she looked at them both, she knew she wouldn't have to worry about that.. It was really too hard to choose. However...

      She pointed her finger into Jin's chest, since he was right there in front of her. He smiled and surprisingly, so did Namjoon. "Well, that settles that." Namjoon sighed, and as he went to walk past the two of them, he kissed the top of her head tenderly. Without another word, he opened the door and stepped out. Jae's heart started beating faster. She wasn't ready. Not now. She had to mentally prepare.

       She heard Jin chuckle, and she felt him rest his hand on her cheek, "I'll let Hobi know to bunk with someone else, because it looks like you'll be sleeping with me." he said with a wink.

       Jae had totally forgotten that Jin was sharing a room with Hobi. Maybe it would have been more practical to pick Namjoon because of that. She also remembered that Jimin's room was close to Jin's room as well. "Should we..stay in that room? Or should we go somewhere else? Because um...Jimin's room is right next to yours?" Jin thought about it for a moment. "It will be fine. He won't be able to get to you. Trust me, I won't let him."


      Sorry this is on the short side>.< Technically this is a part of one big chapter I wrote and I think it would have been too long had I put them together SO you guys get a double update! ^^If it wasn't obvious enough, you guys will finally get some full on smut in the next one. So you can look forward to that😁😁😁Would you choose Joonie or Jin?

If you aren't comfortable with smut then you can skip any of the chapters I'll mark with an 18+ sign.😊

See y'all tomorrow<3

See y'all tomorrow<3

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