24/7 Heaven

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Tae's P.O.V
    At first I thought I was imagining it. I thought maybe I was overthinking, something I do more than I care to admit. They say once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three times... "Why do you look so freaked out?" Hobi asked, and Yoongi crossed his arms. Would they even believe me? I looked behind me, and made sure that I couldn't see Jae or Jimin.

     "Look I think...I think Jae can hear us. Like, how we can talk to each other when we're in our animal forms? It's like she can hear our thoughts or something. I...I don't know." I immediately regretted saying it to them, as they were looking at me like I had grown a second head. "That's impossible." Yoongi stated. He wasn't wrong, but...

     "I mean we've proven the impossible is possible with Jae already." I said, and both of them couldn't argue against that. The fact that she was here with us now was nothing short of a miracle, at least in my eyes. "I still have to test it out...if you can try it out with her too at some point, we'll know for sure." I told the two of them. They both looked at each other and shrugged. "Eh, why not. Gives us something to do. Even if it is just in your head." Yoongi said.

     I started to pout, and Hobi laughed at me. Yoongi ruffled my hair, causing my ears to flatten out. He walked away with a small smile. "I'm going to be outside for a bit. See if I can hear or smell anything." he called out without looking back, and just like that, he opened the front door. "It's not just in my head." I muttered, as I watched him shift and walk down the stairs into the snow.

      As soon as he left, there was a banging sound coming from Jin's room. Hobi and I looked at one another, as if silently asking each other what to do. "Should we go get Namjoon?" I asked.

    This has happened only once before, and I remember Namjoon was with Jin last time and that seemed to help, although back then I wouldn't have even known he was in heat. He just seemed a little out of it but the guy was calm compared to Jimin or Yoongi. I shuddered thinking about their past behaviors.

      I was a little worried, considering I had no idea what mine was going to be like. I had never experienced it before, and so far everyone has said it is different for everyone, which doesn't give me peace of mind. I would never forgive myself if I hurt anyone.

      I heard Jin make a noise that sounded like he was in pain, and Hobi looked at me with worried eyes. It was Jin who told me how painful it was after his had passed, and I wondered if it was worse this time, considering we had a soulmate now. I thought back to what Jimin had said, when he was talking about her developing instincts. I was skeptical that would actually happen.     

     There was another noise and this time, we heard him call out for Jae. I honestly didn't know what to do. Whatever he was feeling, this had to be the worst of it. He sounded almost sick, and it hurt me to think he was in any kind of pain. "Let's go get Namjoon." Hobi suggested, probably feeling just as helpless and worried as me. I nodded and we headed up the dark wooden spiral staircase. I realized I hadn't even been up there yet, so I was curious to see what there was to see.

     As they had previously said, Namjoon and Jungkook could be seen in the gym through the glass wall. They looked like they were just talking, and it looked like a serious conversation. Both their brows were furrowed and Namjoon's arms were crossed. Hobi and I waited to see if the conversation would ease up a little, but it didn't. I looked back at Hobi, who was now slightly behind me.

     He gave me a look that said "I'm not going in there" and it almost made me chuckle. Both Hobi and Jungkook were preys, but even I was intimidated by the bunny's incredibly fit figure. And Namjoon, not only was he the leader of this pack, but the guy had a sturdy build, making him and, ironically Jungkook, the most intimidating at first glance.

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