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Hobi's POV

     It seemed like we had been there for days on end, when in reality, it had only been a few hours since we had been put in another cage once again. I felt like I was starting to lose my mind. I hated small spaces. I hated being confined. I was suffocating.

  I needed to shift soon. We all did. It was starting to take a toll on us. We were all exhausted, our dark circles under our eyes proved it, but more than that, we were all significantly weaker. Maybe this was their ultimate plan, to torture us slowly make us lose our sanity. Take away our soulmate, and slowly separate us so we feel even more empty.

Though, as the sun peeked over the edge of the horizon, and the light reflected off the glass dome in front of us, I knew there was something much worse in store. I haven't stopped shaking since we were in the cellar. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't. I was scared, and not just for me, but for my family.

Where the hell were Jungkook and Yoongi? Where was Jae? Why were we Like we were waiting for something. When Jin and I had been placed here with the others, Namjoon mentioned they saw Jae right before we arrived. She had to leave to avoid being seen by the guards that brought us.

    Now, the former three were worried that she hadn't come back yet. Tae was starting to voice all his concerns out loud. "I mean, she didn't say she was coming back right away don't think-"

    "No...she's fine. Even if her father is..." Namjoon started, but his frown didn't go away. "Even if what?" Jimin pressed. It seemed like he didn't want to continue, and he didn't have to, since Jin seemed to know what he was thinking. "Joon, you didn't see how he looked at her when she stepped in front of me. It was like...I don't know, but it was inhumane." he said darkly. "They may be blood but...he would hurt her. I wouldn't put it past him."

    Jimin hit the cage hard in anger, making me jump. "What are we going to do then? We can't just sit here, twiddling our thumbs while she might be in danger! When our other packmates could be in danger!" Tae's eyes flicked over to his, "What else could we possibly do? You wanna try hitting the steel cage harder? Injure yourself in the process? Strain your voice calling for help? Be my guest."

    Jimin had a calm, but scary look on his face now. I knew he was angry. "What are you saying right now? Don't tell me you've given up?" There was silence from everyone. "Don't tell me you all have just given up? When have impossible odds stopped us before?"

"What can we do, Jiminie? The doors are electronic. Not only that-" I lifted up the chains around my wrist, "-we're chained down. We can't shift. We don't know where our other packmates are, so even if somehow we did escape, We...we're simply out of options right now." My voice sounded hoarse, I barely recognized it. He slowly looked at me, voice quivering, "Not you. Not you too. Out of all of can't lose hope, Hoseok."

He called me by my real name. I think that was the first time he ever had. I teared up, and lowered my head in shame. He was right, we couldn't just give up, but the odds were far from being in our favor. We all knew it. Some of us just weren't accepting it yet. The sun was starting to rise more above the trees, and as it shined on my face I could feel it's warmth, like it was trying to comfort me.

My ears twitched to the sound of various yells and shouts coming from the direction of the estate. The others had heard it too, as we were all wondering what was happening. They weren't shouts of fear, but more like instruction. That's when we saw them. Yoongi was being pushed in a cage on a trolley, and he looked extremely agitated. But not just that.

He almost looked unrecognizable. The rage that was displayed on his face was...savage. The cage rattled from his advances to try and knock it down, but to no avail.

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