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Jae and Namjoon walked back to camp, hand in hand. Right before they reached the camp, Namjoon stopped. Jae could hear the voices of the others softly in the distance. He seemed like he didn't want to leave her, and her heart fluttered as pulled her closer to him and he leaned down a little to kiss her forehead.

It seemed desperate, but it also seemed like he was stalling going back. Although her stomach was turning in on itself, she parted from him and put both her hands on his cheeks. She had a feeling he was thinking the worst thoughts. He was probably scared, and she would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't.

However, feeling that way wasn't going to do them any favors. "I'm not going anywhere. I told you, I trust you with my life. Everything will be alright." she said, admittedly trying to convince herself as much as she was him.

    After a moment of silence he closed his eyes and nodded. They were surprised to see the rest sitting in front of a fire, in a semicircle, looking worn down. "You guys aren't asleep?" Namjoon asked, making both their presences known. They all turned their head to see both of them, hand in hand. "Are you kidding? We couldn't. None of us can." Jin said, speaking for all of them.

Jungkook and Tae seemed to have puppy dog eyes as they glanced at Jae. Jimin avoided her gaze, but he looked guilty, like he was about to cry. They all looked worn out, and she wanted to hug all of them badly. Looking at them all now, she didn't want to be away from them for another minute. She felt the heat rising to her face, as she thought of something.

    "Um...can we..." she gulped. They all looked her way. "Can we stay all together tonight? we did back at the motel. I want to be with all of you." Jae felt like she had stuck her face over a volcano as they all looked at each other. Tae barely smiled, "There you go surprising me again."

Without a word, Jungkook got up and went to another tent and everyone watched him. When he emerged from the tent with two sleeping bags under his arms, Jin clapped his hands together, making Hobi and Jimin jump. "Well, that answers that." Then he got up and stretched, then went to help Jungkook.

Jae felt Namjoon put his hand on the top of her head and then saw him walk towards Yeona's tent again. "I'll be back." he said, walking briskly away. Jae understood now why he talked to her so much. She was like a mother to him, and that made Jae think of her own causing some heartache.

     All of them except Namjoon went inside one of the tents, and Jae didn't realize how cramped it would be. Oddly, no one seemed to mind, and in truth neither did she. They had made what looked like a giant mat of sleeping bags all together. It made Jae smile. In the end, Jin and Hobi had shifted to make more room, and were snuggled up on either side of her. Tae and Yoongi were more towards her feet and legs, and they had become closer in their sleep, but mostly because Tae was holding one of Yoongi's arms.

Namjoon had come in later, and decided to sleep to the side where Jungkook was, a little aways but close enough where Jae could hear both their soft snores. They were almost echoing each other, and it made her want to laugh. She couldn't see Tae or Yoongi's faces but she had no doubt they looked like angels.

Despite all of this comfort and warmth around her, the event of the next day weighed heavily on her mind. She knew everyone was asleep except for Jimin, who had left the tent earlier and hadn't come back since. She was starting to really worry about him.

Carefully, with much effort, she managed to wriggle out of her position. No one even moved. They must have been exhausted from the fight... She exited the tent and looked around. It was really dark and truthfully she couldn't see well, but she was determined to find him. If I were Jimin, where would I go right now... She had no idea. Why did it hurt her that she didn't know?

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