We Are Bulletproof

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    The truck had stopped, and Jae didn't know whether to be grateful or uneasy. Time was something she just couldn't keep track of anymore, all she knew was that it was still daytime. She looked around in the back for anything. Something to help them get out of the rope, but there was nothing but bare walls and what she assumed to be bulletproof windows.

    She tried to think back on any books she had read about these situations. Although she remembers, it became fuzzy as she tried to remember all the steps. After all, back then she thought it was highly unlikely she would be in a situation that she would actually need to know them. Highly unlikely, but not impossible.

     When the truck stopped Jae couldn't hear anything, as if they were in the middle of nowhere. Some of the hybrid kids were asleep, tired from crying so hard earlier. Others were staring at her now, wondering what she would do. She scooted over to the doors and leaned her body up against it. Then she threw her body against it, but not at full force. It gave no indication of budging and he leaned her head against it in defeat.

     She could hear some of the men outside, laughing and talking. The possibility that she could be going back home, back to that prison, didn't really sink in until now. She glanced her head back towards the kids when she heard movement, and she saw an empty spot where one of the kids was before, and the others looked just as surprised as Jae did. The tiniest white mouse ran towards Jae and was wiggling its nose.

   "Hello little one." Jae whispered. "The weird stuff must be wearing off." One of the kids said, almost in a whisper, and Jae's blood started to boil. "Did they give you a shot?" she asked, trying to keep calm. Another one nodded, "Mhm, it made us feel really weird. We couldn't change!" Bastards.

     Another one closed his eyes and scrunched up his face. "I can't still!" he exclaimed a little too loudly. "Sshh...we don't want them to hear us, right?" He nodded, and the other kids were looking at her like, what do we do now? "Um...miss lady...?" another one spoke up, a cute little girl, "You're not bad like them right? My mommy said all humans are really mean..."

     Jae shook her head. "No, I'm nice. I'm not like them. You can trust me. My name is Jae." she said, smiling. She looked back down at the mouse in her hand. She figured the effects of the drug that they gave them wore off smaller hybrids first. However long ago they gave it to them, the effects were starting to wear off.

     "Do you think you can cut the rope?" Jae whispered to the little mouse. It waited for a minute and then scurried around behind her. She felt little paws on her arms and ever so lightly, she felt the ropes on her wrists start to loosen up bit by bit. She was trying to think of what to do after they were all free from their binds, but nothing was coming to mind.

     She didn't want to put these kids in harm's way, more than they already were. There was no way she could take all these soldiers by herself. She felt frustrated, and wished she was a hybrid herself. If she was a tiger like Taehyung, or a big wolf like Namjoon or Jimin, she would have no remorse while she tore them apart, limb by limb.

    Her mind jumping to them like that made her miss them terribly, so much that her chest felt like it had a ton of bricks on it, like it was tiresome and hard just to breathe.

     She saw the little white mouse run towards the others, and when she pulled her hands toward herself, she no longer felt the rope around her wrists. She was free. She rushed over to the kids and started untying them, one by one, and they were thanking her in hushed whispers over and over.

    When they were all free, one of the kids gasped, "Someone's coming!" Jae scurried over to where she was before. "Huddle together, act like you're still tied up," she warned.

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