Stay Alive Part 2

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Jimin's POV

     I hugged Jae close, letting her scent engulf me completely. I never wanted to be apart from her again. I noticed her shoulder and I felt physical pain that she was hurt again. I could barely focus on Yeona's words, which sounded muffled in the background of my own thoughts that were racing through my head.

I felt irritated, as I clutched Jae so tight, I heard her gasp. Still, I didn't loosen my grip. I didn't know what Yeona was saying, but in that moment I interrupted her. "Why are we still in this hellhole? What are we waiting for?"

It came out harsh, and Namjoon gave me a look. Yeona didn't look upset, but she had a look of urgency. "If you would please let me finish." Was all she said, and I felt Jae intertwine her fingers in mine, immediately calming me down. The others listened intently with tired eyes.

"I know you all are feeling pretty weak right now, but everything is going to be fine. I have help coming. By now, security would have picked up, and it's only a matter of time before they start searching this house for us when they realized we didn't just book it to the surrounding forest. There's not many places the 9 of us can hide, even in a big place like this. So when they do, we need to move fast."

"So we're just sitting ducks until...what?" Tae asked, still holding bunny Jungkook. He had bags under his eyes, matching the rest of us. The need to shift was starting to burn on the inside, like a hot iron was being pressed to my very soul.

"Just trust her Tae-" Namjoon was starting to say, but the sound of the doors trying to be opened above us made us all pause.

Hobi, Jin, and Jae jumped at the noise. I was surprised to see Jae letting go of my hand and running towards the stairs leading up into the house. "We can't stay here any longer, we have to move." she said, without turning back. I looked at Yeona, and she was already following Jae.

I raised my eyebrows, and I could tell the others were surprised to see her following Jae, a human, with no hesitation. We all followed a second after, not waiting anymore.

Turned out that the stairs led up into the kitchens and it was stark quiet. The kind of quiet you can hear. There were still pots on the stove, and they were boiling over. That, a soft whirring noise that I couldn't place, and the sound of our footsteps was the only thing you could hear.

I ran into the backs of Namjoon and Tae, who had stopped abruptly in front of me. In turn, Jin and Hobi ran into me. "It's too quiet..." Jae mumbled, turning to us all. I could see her eyes shining with panic. "We should have just ran..."

Yeona shook her head. "We wouldn't have made it." It struck me at that moment that she was right. When we were in our cages before, I saw rows and rows of armed guards in the forest's direction. But it didn't make any sense...we were securely locked up...

Yoongi was muttering something beside Namjoon, gaining a little more consciousness. I wanted to hug him so badly, but now wasn't the time. I couldn't understand what he was saying. There was a strange smell in the air, and I wasn't sure what it was. I could tell the others smelled it too as a few of their noses scrunched up.

We heard a door slam from a distance, making all of us jump out of our skin. Jae frowned, and started to jog towards the sound. She opened the door leading out quickly and quietly, peeking out. I felt so uneasy, almost as bad as when we were in the cabin. Yoongi was mumbling again, but a little louder and I could make out a little of what he was saying-

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