Fly to my Room

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Jungkook's POV

      I couldn't stop bouncing my leg up and down. It was a nervous habit I had developed, but if I didn't do that I would start to pick or nibble at my fingers instead, which would be worse.

      I had gotten better ever since I'd been a part of the pack. Jin or Jimin would always magically appear to keep me from doing it. Jae was holding my hand in this case, so I didn't have to worry about it. No one could possibly blame me though, considering the current situation.

      Namjoon was perfectly still and quiet, which wasn't usually like him, and I could clearly see the wheels in his head turning and turning. "Are you sure it was him, Tae?" He asked, already seemingly to know the answer.

      "I'm positive, and Jae saw him too." Tae said, gesturing at her. He was sitting on the other side of her, resting his arm on her thigh. I noticed he never left her side ever since they told us what had happened. "That means he saw her too..." Jin muttered.

      "What do we do...if he knows we're here.." Hobi had started to pace slowly behind the couch. Jae was watching him with worried eyes. I could tell he was trying not to shift from the stress. I knew this was bad, and I was trying not to let my mind think of the worst that could happen.

      "Maybe.." Namjoon started to speak slowly, "Maybe...Miss Yeona sent check on us..?" he trailed off, and Yoongi shook his head, "We don't know that, Joon. We don't even know if-" Yoongi paused as Namjoon flinched. We don't even know if she's alive is what he was going to say.

      "We don't know where she is right now," he finished. Without even realizing it, my grip tightened around Jae's hand, and I saw her look at me in the corner of my eye.

      "We could just move somewhere else...jump from place to's not ideal but-" Jimin started to say, but Namjoon shook his head, "There'd be no point. If he found us all the way out here, there's probably a way he would find us again, but how...I'm wracking my brain over that. And not only that, why now?" he asked, half to himself, rubbing his forehead.

      "He didn't say a word." Tae frowned. We all looked at him, wanting more details. "Before Jae came out, we had been staring at each other for a while, and after I realized who it was, I tried to scare him away, but obviously, that didn't work." he sighed.

      I felt Jae's hands start to become a little clammy. She looked nervous, and I didn't blame her. "Did I...did I make things worse?" She asked, and her voice came out super small.

       "No, of course not. You didn't know what was going on." Tae answered before anyone else, gently rubbing the top of her head. "I mean, how bad is it he saw us anyway? I mean, so what?" Jin asked the room. "He's a little punk, and he's not worth our time."

        I wanted to believe that. After all, even if the three of us were preys, that didn't mean we couldn't be harmful. At the end of the day, it's one against eight. He doesn't stand a chance in hell. I knew what Jin was trying to do. He was trying to be positive, because no one else was going to be.

      "He's worth our time if he's somehow connected to the HHA." Everyone froze at Yoongi's words. His face was starting to pale, and I had to swallow a lump in my throat. It was a familiar feeling that I knew all too well.

      The uncomfortable dread and anxiety I felt in the pit of my stomach formed more and more as the memories of that day flooded back.

      I was about 12 when it happened, at least I think. I was never really sure of my exact age, since my parents had found me wondering on my own when I was barely old enough to walk.

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