Your Eyes Tell

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The train ride wasn't all that bad. Jae couldn't move for the first majority of it, because Hobi decided to crash on her shoulder.. She had been worried about him since they had entered the station. He looked uncomfortable, and she didn't blame him. It wasn't really small, but the way the place was built was a little...cagelike. She thought she might have been overdoing it when she was making jokes and smiling, but she didn't want them to be in a habit of being nervous around her.

Sure, they were on the run. They were running from really dangerous people. But they were together. All of them were together now, and she didn't want them to live in fear because of her. She would do anything to make them feel better, and she was not going to be a burden.

As she heard Hobi's soft breathing against her shoulder, she noticed Jimin had also dozed off in the seat on her opposite side, leaning his head against the window, but again, she couldn't move, as his arm was interlocked with her own.

While she could probably wedge herself out, she didn't want to disturb them. This was the first time they were sleeping since last night. She shuddered at the memory, dreading the possibility they might have to go through something like that again. If it were possible for her to despise her father more, she does now.

All she felt was rage when she thought of him, but she knew underneath all of that rage was a deep rooted fear that he would find a way to steal her away, to steal her back. Lock her up in her room and never let her see the light of day again.

It was starting to get dark, and she could feel the cool air radiating from the window. She felt Tae and Yoongi directly in the seats behind them. She glanced to her right across the other aisle, and saw Namjoon slumped on Jungkook's shoulder, both out like a light.

She could even hear them both lightly snoring from where she was. She thought it was adorable. Jin, who was on the opposite side of Jungkook near the window, met her gaze. He quickly looked away however, avoiding it, and looking out the window.

She hadn't spoken to Jin in a while, and she was wondering how he was doing. Now that she knew he was the oldest, even though he wasn't the leader there must still be some pressure there. She wished she could move to go talk to him but she was stuck. She felt something soft wrap around her neck, and she soon realized it was a scarf.

Then she heard the unmistakable deep voice in her ear, "Yoongi told me to give you this." She shivered, but not from the cold. His lips had been so close to her ear that she could have sworn he might have kissed it lightly as he was speaking. Her mind flashed to when Tae had kissed her.

Her face felt flushed, and she missed the feeling of his lips. They weren't as plump as Jimin's, and they weren't as soft as Joon or Jungkook's. It doesn't do much good to compare, because Tae's lips are just in their own category of bliss.

"Thank you" she whispered, and she buried her nose in the warm, off white wool scarf. She knew Yoongi had been wearing it because it smelled like coffee, so much so that it was making her thirsty. Jimin shifted in his sleep and turned more towards the window, allowing Jae's arm to be free.

She glanced in Jin's direction, and turned just in time to see him get up from his seat carefully, not to wake the other two hybrids next to him. She couldn't read his expression but she just had a feeling in her gut that she needed to go after him.Very carefully, she shimmied out of Hobi's hold, and let his head rest on the side of her seat instead.

Tae was staring at her with his big eyes the whole time, curiously. Yoongi had a newspaper in his hands and seemed to be reading it but when she stood up, one eyebrow raised. She passed by the both of them, and Tae looked at her as if to say "Where do you think you're going?"

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