I Need U

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Having Jae's warm body pressed up against mine will never get old. In fact, I think it's my favorite thing as of late. She was comfortably sitting in between my legs, and I could tell she was close to falling asleep when she leaned almost all of her weight on me and her head rested on my chest.

Her long eyelashes almost competed with mine, as they closed and hovered over her soft cheeks that I had to fight myself not to touch. Having her leaning against me like this, I never wanted to get up. Her pink lips parted as she started to drift off, and the urge to kiss her grew more and more with each passing second. And the fact was, I almost lost that chance today. I almost lost her.

"What are you thinking about?" Jimin's voice said, making me jump. He was awake, and smirking at me in Jae's lap in the corner of my eye. "I thought you were asleep." He yawned at that, "Not yet. But he is." he said as he nodded his head towards my other side where Hobi was sleeping on his arm. "You didn't answer my question."

Jimin looked at me with serious eyes. My eyes landed back on Jae's face, and I knew she was asleep. "We almost lost her today." I whispered, feeling a tug in my chest. Jimin swallowed, careful not to move too much. "But we didn't. She's here with us now. We're really lucky Jin knows what he's doing."

He's right, and I guess we're also lucky that he has type O blood. I remember offering to give my blood without any hesitation. I didn't even think about it. I would have given my whole arm if it would have helped. I wondered if anything else about her had changed because of Jin's blood. She seemed perfectly normal to me, as if nothing had happened in the first place.

I smiled to myself, remembering to her I smelled like a cupcake. That was a good thing, right? I wondered what the other's smelled like to her. I thought it was strange, when she said Jin smelled like roses. To me Jin just smells like...Jin? Maybe it was a human thing. Her sweet strawberry scent invaded my nose and it was so strong I could drown in it. She must have been destined for me if she smells like one of my favorite things in the whole world.

I glanced at the new mark on her arm, one that matched with all of us. It was still healing, but it looked a lot better than before. It made me feel fuzzy inside seeing it on her arm, and suddenly I felt even more protective of her than I did before.

    It felt heightened, ever since she left with Namjoon and I was scared. I already lost my whole family, any friends that I had, I didn't want to lose someone else that was important to me. I don't have the strength.

At that moment I heard footsteps outside coming towards the tent, as did Jimin, because both of our ears twitched at the noise. I gripped Jae tighter subconsciously and she stirred a little. She said not to treat her like a fragile doll but I couldn't help looking at her that way for a moment as she was practically limp and relaxed in my arms. Though, when it came to beauty a doll couldn't even begin to compare to her.

Jimin sat up and I guess that woke her up because she slowly opened her eyes. "What's happening..." Jae mumbled, her voice sounding a little scratchy. She looked up at me with her big eyes and I couldn't stop the grin forming on my face. She was so cute. "Did you have a nice nap?" I asked her. I saw her cheeks get flushed and I wanted to laugh.

Jimin made his way to the tent entrance and he looked relaxed. "It's just Miss Yeona." he said, walking back over to us. Hobi was awake now too, and rubbed his eyes. When Yeona entered the tent she had an envelope in her hands, and she scoffed with a smile when she saw the others conked out on the couch. She turned to me and Jae and held the envelope up, "The others should be awake for this. Make it happen." she said seriously, and she walked away. That must be about where we're heading to next.

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