Chapter 2

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*Chapter song Nice To Meet Ya by Niall Horan*

"The first time was a year ago, Tony never made a file." I cross my arms.

"Not exactly." Tony clears his throat. "Fury found you before you were frozen, he got you to tell him everything and then made you forget." I glare at Fury, anger once again finding its way through my body.

"You did what?" I grit through my teeth. "Why the hell did you make me forget?"

"Because I needed more information, if Loki knew I got to you then it'd ruin it all. I didn't know he was going to freeze you." Fury defends himself, I feel my left hand start to get hot.

"That gave you no right."

"Shall I chuck a glass of water on her hand?" I hear Thor mumble to somebody.

"Thor, no. That won't help." Steve tells him, he was sat next to me. "Urm ma'am, your hand is on fire. Are you okay?" Steve whispers in my ear which catches me off guard, I look and see the flame slowly losing its light.

"Hey, no whispering like that in my sisters ear!" Tony scolds Steve, I hold back from laughing as Steve holds his hands up in defence and leans back in his chair.

"It helped didn't it?" Nat remarks.

"That's my sister. Nobody is to date her, understand"?

"Tony don't even try that, you already tried that before. Look what happened." I smirk.

"Yeah Tony, look what happened." I hear a familiar voice speak out, I grin as I see him walk over to me. "Violet, good to see you again." I kiss his cheek once he sat on the other side of me.

"James. Always my pleasure." I reply.

"Okay enough of that, seriously." Tony comments.

"Alright fine, why am I here again? I blacked out when I got angry, kinda foggy on what was said."

"You're working for S.H.I.E.L.D now."

"I'm not but carry on." He rolls his eyes.

"We need your help finding Loki, he got to you earlier. He can do it again."

"Only if I snap like that or if my emotions go everywhere. Hence why I don't want to be here, I'll end up snapping."

"We have things in place to stop that." Fury speaks.

"Didn't seem like it earlier."

"I needed to see what you're capable of."

"Hold on, so earlier you got me angry on purpose?"

"Yes." I look to Tony, such a great brother. How much is he keeping from me?

"I didn't want to." Tony tries.

"Then why did you?"

"Because I had to see, Fury showed me your file. When I found you, you didn't say anything. And this past year, you did nothing. I wanted to prove him wrong, but that didn't turn out how I hoped." I sigh in frustration.

"I can't control what I do."

"We'll help you."

"How? None of you have no idea what it's like being able to do what I can do, none of you have these kind of abilities. So please enlighten me on how any of you could actually teach me on how to control them." I remind them, it's true though. The closest person they have to abilities is Thor mainly and I guess Steve too but he just happens to be super strong and fast. Other than that nobody here is capable.

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