Chapter 8

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Chapter song 'Feeling Good' By Michael Buble

"They're not in bed are they?" I question.

"Nope, they're listening. Which they should know by now that it's rude." laura comments making sure that they heard her, I hold back from laughing. It reminds me of what me and Tony were like growing up, always sneaking around to listen to the grown-up conversations. Mainly Tony would do that, I didn't like to do it. "If you two don't go to bed Violet won't be here in the morning." Laura threatens, I hear quick footsteps and doors shutting. "There we go." I chuckle.

"Fury said you were wanting to basically go into hiding?" Clint looks at me.

"Pretty much. I just need to start over." I reply.

"How come? Did Steve hurt you? Do I need to kick his ass?" I laugh, I didn't expect him to be protective. Then again I don't expect any of them to be protective, I explain what happened. Clint was definitely pissed off and Laura seems shocked. "I can't believe they did that to you, hell even Nat knew and she didn't even stop them or tell you." He comments in annoyance. "And Steve! Oh, I am going to kick his ass, that is not the Steve that I know."

"I think what hurt most was Steve lying and doing what he did." I admit, Laura hugs me as tears form in my eyes. "I trusted him, he knows how difficult it is for me to trust people."

"I'm definitely going to kick his ass." Clint comments, I give a small laugh.

"I. I love him, Clint. I love him and it hurts." They give me sad looks. "Nobody said love hurts."

"Nobody said it was easy either." Laura jokes.

"Hey!" Clint complains, I laugh at them.

"Love works in mysterious ways, you'll find out if he's the one."

"He's the only person I've loved, the only one who treated me like I wasn't just an object or someone they can use." I tell them. "With him I could just be me, I didn't have to worry."

"He's not going to stop looking for you." Clint says "I know he's gonna feel guilty until you forgive him."

"I know." I sigh. "I'll find a way to get him to stop."

"You don't want him to though." Before I could answer Clint's phone starts ringing. "It's Nat." He says before answering. "Nat? What's up?" Silence. "Wha do you mean she's missing?... How can she go missing? Surely somebody has seen her... What happened exactly?... Right, you can't say." I roll my eyes as he looks at me. "No, I never mentioned my family or where I live to her... Yeah, I'll come help look for her... How are they handling her missing?... Yeah, I know. I'll get there as soon as I can." He hands up, I bite my lip nervously. "Steve and Tony had a small misunderstanding."

"They want you to help look for me don't they?" I ask.

"Yup." He chuckles.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"Couldn't you help in the morning?"

"Yeah. But I need to keep it up that I haven't seen you, Nat seemed suspicious until I agreed to help look now. She knows that I see you as a sister, so if I said I'd help in the morning she'd know."

"I've been gone for hours, how come she just phoned?"

"Only Nat knows about my family, she wouldn't call unless she had to."

"Good point." I sigh.

"Don't blame yourself, we knew what we were getting into when we agreed to help." He hugs me. "Now stay out of trouble." He starts to walk away. 

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