Chapter 15

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Chapter song Bad Blood By Taylor Swift

"So you think she has something to do with Vi losing her memory off me?" I ask, it doesn't surprise me at all that Hayley would do something like that to Vi really.

"I believe so." Tony answers. "Funny how the team Vi went with all resigned from SHIELD a few days later too." He's definitely on to something.

"She doesn't remember her abilities either." I comment.

"How do you know that?"

"We talked the other day." I shoot up as I hear shouting from downstairs. "I have to go." I take out the ear piece and chuck it on my bed before quickly running to find Vi, when I get to her I see him trapping her against the wall. She was clearly trying to get out of his grip. "Get the hell off her!" I yell, he looks at me with a scared look on his face. I run and grab him away from Vi before pinning him against the wall with all my strength not caring if he gets hurt in the process, he struggles to get free from my grip.

"Don't, don't hurt me. Please." He pleads, I glare at him.

"Oh you mean like you was hurting Vi? Now why shouldn't I do that?" I snap, he doesn't answer me. "Well?"

"I'm sorry! Please I. I'll not do it again."

"That's right, you won't do it again because you'll never see Violet again. Do I make myself clear?" 

"Y-yes." I let him go.

"Leave and don't ever come back." He quickly runs out of the door, I turn to Vi who was now on the floor with her back against the wall hugging her knees. I rush next to her and pull her into me. "You're okay, you're safe." I say softly as I feel all my anger disappear, I could hear her begin to cry. "I'll always protect you, no matter what." I stroke her arm with my thumb.

"Don't leave me Steve, please." I hear her beg, my heart breaks at the sound of her scared voice.

"I won't." I gently pick her up and carry her to her room, I place her on the bed and lay next to her.

"Hayley did this." She mumbles.

"Did what?"

"She knew that he only wanted one thing from me, she told him that I would give him whatever he wanted if he agreed to say that it was a date. Said that I would pretend like it's not because I'm apparently into that."

"She is not a good friend." I say.

"Why would she do that to me?" I wish I could tell her why, but she needs to remember for herself.

"It's not your fault, it never will be."

-Violet's POV-

I cling onto Steve more, he's weirdly making me feel safe right now. He's also keeping me calm. 

"How can you know that?" I question.

"Because I know you." I sigh, but I don't know you Steve. I don't remember you.

"There you two are." I hear Tony's voice, my head was buried in Steve's chest. I didn't bother looking. I didn't want him to see me crying too. "Everything ok?" I shake my head no. "Do you want to talk about it?" 

"Not anymore."

"Okay. Well I got some good news and well uh some bad news too."

"What's the good news?" Steve asks.

"We found out how Vi lost her memory of you and her abilities." I now look at him.

"How?" I ask.

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