Chapter 16

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Chapter Song-  Broken & Beautiful By Kelly Clarkson

"You know, growing up with Vi, I never thought this would happen." Tony starts. "I thought that we were going to grow old and just try to out do each other, see who could do something first. After our parents, it went to hell." He sighs. "I pushed her away, maybe if I was there for her. She wouldn't be here."

"You can't blame yourself Tony." I tell him.

"No? If I never pushed her away she wouldn't have met Loki, then she wouldn't be an Avenger. She'd be safe. Hell it was my idea for her to come with us, so tell me Cap why can't I blame myself?"

"Because you know deep down that it isn't. Violet wouldn't want you to blame yourself either." I give him a stern look. "I know you're hurting and you're worried but we can't take blame for something we didn't know would happen." He stays silent.

"Didn't the doctor say try to talk to her?" Rhodey asks.

"He did." Vision confirms.

"Then why don't we all talk about our happy memories with her?"

"I remember when she showed me her ability to appear else where while stood still." Wanda starts. "She made Sam and Steve jump."

"That wasn't fair." Sam chuckles.

"The first day that I met her, she was in her pyjamas." I smile. "That day there was something  different about her."

"Yeah, you couldn't stop staring." Nat smirks.

"Very true." I chuckle.

"When we were little, she used to make me give her piggy backs because the floor was lava." Tony states, we chuckle.

"When she stayed at mine for a few months, she showed me up in front of my family." Clint starts. "Me and her were competing who was the better shot, I was about to win until she got in my head and distracted me." 

"Like a true Stark, we hate to lose." 

"Hey Nat, can you remember when you tried to set her up with every Avenger other than Tony, Clint and yourself." Rhodey smirks. "And then you tried agents."

"Yeah, that I didn't like." Tony scolds, I shake my head while smirking.

"In my defence, she was frozen for 10 years. I thought she could use some fun." Nat defends herself. 

"And I agreed." Rhodes laughs.

"Well apparently she got her fun from two of my friends." Tony roles his eyes. "One nearly twice her age! And the other is well over the age limit." We all look around before laughing.

"Just to be clear the most fun we had was kissing." Rhodey admits.

"I'm sure Cap has had more fun." Sam smirks.

"Come on guys really?" I complain.

"We all know Violet would make the same comment or something similar in this situation."

"He has a point." Clint agrees, I know that they're not wrong. She does like to do that a lot.

"You know when I asked her which person she'd rather date if she could, she said you." Nat tells me, I smile lightly. "This was before she met you too."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah. Although her reason was because it'd annoy Tony the most."

"And..." Rhodey urges her to finish.

"And because she thought you were in her words 'fit'." I chuckle, of course she said that. She's the only one who has ever called me fit

"I have a question." Sam speaks, he looks at me. "Who said 'I love you' first?" I think for a moment. 

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