Chapter 18

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Chapter song 'Death On Two Legs' By Queen

I hate to say it but she's right, I stopped fighting. Trying to stop someone taking over your body is hard work, especially when you're not back to yourself.

"She is fighting." Steve reminds everyone. "You can't control her abilities, so she's still fighting." 

"I can control them!" Hayley answers, at least I'm better at lying than she is.

"Do it then. Use all of them, show us how you control them." I can feel her trying to figure out how to use them. "See, she's fighting. Even if she doesn't believe it."

"So what do we do now?" Sam questions. "Leave her tied up until we get Hayley locked away?"

"If you leave me alone with Steve here, I'll let you all live." I swear to god, I'm going to kill her when I have the chance. 

"Fire." Tony states.

"What?" He nods to my hand. 

"Vi didn't like that at all." The fire goes away.

"Well she does want to kill Hayley." Wanda comments with a smirk on her face.

"Maybe if we get Vi angry or something she'll take over." Tony tries.

"Good luck with that." I chuckle. "She no longer has access to her feelings."

"So what do you call the fire?"

"That was me."

"You're not a very good liar."

"Do you want your sister alive Tony? Because there is only one way to do that." I see that she's changing the subject.

"And you're just going to tell me?" 

"I'll tell you if you get it right."

"We're done playing games Hayley." He snaps.

"Really? Because I'm just getting started."

"You're after me." Steve speaks, everybody looks to him. "The only thing you've ever wanted from Vi is me."

"Well it seems that you're smart too as well as handsome."

"If you let her go you can have me." No! Steve don't do this.

"Vi doesn't want you to do that." Wanda tells him.

"She doesn't have a choice."

"Steve. I can't let you do that." Tony tells him. "As much as I dislike you dating my sister, she would kill us all if we let you go be with Hayley."

"There's no other way Tony."

"We'll find a way." Nat assures them. "Violet wouldn't give up if it was one of us." I feel myself laugh.

"You know what I want. That's all you need to give me to make sure she stays alive." 

"Somebody shut her up." Tony grumbles, Nat picks up a needle and comes closer to me.

"No! Get that away from me!" She sticks it in my arm and within seconds I feel myself drifting in to sleep.

            "Vi? Come on, I know that you can do this." I hear Tony's voice call out. "I know you can hear me. Come on short stuff."

"Playboy." I mumble.

"That's it. Come on, open your eyes." I do so, I see him stood in front of me. "Look around. Where are we?" I slowly look around, we're out on the helicarrier. People don't seem to be noticing us .

"We're on the helicarrier." I spot another me behind Tony, I'm wearing my pyjamas. "The first day that I met Steve." I remember. "You didn't let me get changed."

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