Chapter 13

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Chapter Song: Crazy by Gnarls Barkley

"So things sorted with Steve?" Nat questions.

"They're getting there." I reply.

"Will I need to have something playing so I don't hear anything later tonight?" My eyes widen as she laughs at me.

"Natasha!" I gasp.

"I'd say yes." I hear Steve comment, I refuse to look at him. Especially when he's just said that.

"Her face is red."

"Is it pick on Violet day?" I murmur, they laugh. 

"You know I'm just kidding." Steve whispers in my ear. "Or am I?"


"Yes ma'am?"

"Please stop." 

"Stop what?"

"You know what." I finally look at him, he was smirking at me. 

"I have no idea what you mean Vi." 

"If you two are talking dirty then maybe you should take it elsewhere." Nat jokes, I roll my eyes at her.

"Well then, lets go Vi." Steve gently takes my hand and pulls me away from everyone else.

"Wait. What. Steve. What?" I struggle to talk as I willingly follow him. "Who are you and what have you done with my Rogers?" I ask as we come to a stop outside his room, his grin never changed. "Why are you so happy?"

"Because I have you back here with me."

"And you think that we're just gonna have sex right now?" He chuckles.


"Then why'd you drag me over here?" 

"Because, you were blushing. And I uh, wanted to well make you blush more." 

"Oh is that so?" I cross my arms and raise an eye brow at him. "Since when do you tease?" 

"I guess I pick things up from you."

"I don't tease." I pout, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

"You know full well that you do."

"Please keep whatever that is to a minimal around me." Tony speaks as he walks past us.  

"You know that is going to make me do it more Tony." I tell him.

"I know. And I hate it." 

-Christmas Party-

I finish putting my make up on, I look in the mirror. Not too bad I guess, I put on my dress. Dammit, I can't reach the zipper. I sigh in frustration, I take out my phone and text Nat and Wanda. 

'Can one of you help me zip my dress up please?' After a few minutes I hear a knock on my door.

"It's us." I hear Wanda speak, I open the door. They were smirking as they come in.

"I didn't realise it took three people to zip up a dress." I joke.

"It does now." Nat smiles. "And we wanted to see what you looked like before anybody else." Wanda zips up my dress. 

"Thanks." I say to Wanda. "So, what do you think?" I ask them both.

"Give us a twirl." Wanda instructs. I chuckle before twirling so they can see me in my dress. "Damn Violet, you are going to make some jaws drop"

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