Chapter 9

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Chapter song 'A thousand Years' By Christina Perri

It's been a year now since I moved in with Sasha and her family, I've gotten used to this life. Clint and Thor are the only ones who found a way to keep in touch with me, well mainly Clint because Thor has no idea how to work a phone. Clints told me he's retired now to be a family man and he has a baby on the way. I miss them, they were all so nice and caring towards me.

"Hey look, the Avengers are on the TV." Ally says as we see a TV playing in the window of a shop, I let out a sigh. I miss that stuff sometimes, I just want to be able to go on missions like they do. 

"Damn, Captain America has a nice ass." Hayley smirks, of course she's looking at his ass. "The thing's I'd do with him and Iron Man too." I gip lightly, okay that's gross. 

"Seriously?" I roll my eyes while covering Ally's ears, she chuckles and pulls my hands away from her ears.

"Just because you're still in love with that Steve guy from the army doesn't mean I can't have any fun." Hayley teases, I blush slightly. If only she knew the truth.

"Oh shush." I reply back.

"Miranda can you tell me a bedtime story tonight, please?" Ally pleads.

"I thought we agreed once a week?"

"But I can't wait another week for the next part." I laugh lightly. "Oh please Miranda, pretty please." 

"You know she won't stop until you say yes." Hayley tells me.

"I know." Before either of them could reply, loud screams start to erupt in the town centre. I see people running towards us away from the trouble.

"What's happening?" Hayley asks.

"I'm not sure." A big part of me wants to go and see what's happening, I know that my deal with Fury was for me to basically stay out of the spotlight but for the last 4 months he hasn't kept his end of the deal. I noticed he got rid of the agents watching the town, since then there's been endless trouble. At first I did nothing, no matter how much I wanted to. But now, I'm the only one who helps these people. Nobody knows it's me thankfully, more terrifying screams fill the air. I see masked med coming closer with guns grabbing people, shit.

"Hayley." Ally cries out.

"Hayley, get Ally home as fast as you can." I tell her.

"What about you?" She asks in fear.

"Go. I'll be fine, I can distract them." She grabs Ally's hand, they both make a run for it. The men get closer to me. "Can't you assholes leave us alone for once." I shout at them, this gets their attention.

"Her. Grab her too." One of them yells, I go to run but sadly one catches me. I grunt at the force they're using, they put me in the back of a van. I see 5 others in here with me.

"Are you all okay?" I ask them, I could see the fear in all of their faces. "Anybody hurt?" They shake their heads. "We're going to be okay, I promise." The van begins to drive away, I've got this. At least I hope I do, I do my best to calm the others down. 

"We're gonna die! I know it." A woman panics.

"We're not going to die." I tell her.

"How would you know?" She snaps.

"Because if they wanted us dead then we would be dead already."

"Doesn't mean that they won't kill us."

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