Chapter 5

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Chapter song Finally Free by Niall Horan

Me and Thor continue to walk around the small town we found, it's been an hour and they haven't found us yet. Nobody has really bothered us, a few people wanted pictures with Thor and that's about it.

"How long does it actually take for them to find you?" Thor laughs.

"Well when she keeps changing what she looks like, apparently longer than needed." Well, I guess that answers that. "Violet, it's time to go."

"And if I don't want to?" I ask while looking at the culprit, Captain bloody America.

"You have no choice." Now Tony, he lands next to Steve in his Iron Man suit. 

"Everybody has a choice." Thor tells them.

"What he said." I grin. "But seriously, I'm not going back."

"Violet. I." Tony begins, but I shake my head.

"No Tony. I'm a prisoner up there, at least down here I'm free. I can have a break."

"Let's go somewhere private." I know for one that he doesn't like everybody watching, so for now he's been good.

"What's wrong with here?"

"I'm sorry Vi." Steve speaks before pulling the trigger on a gun that he was holding, it wasn't a bullet I know that. I look at my leg and see a mini arrow, that son of a bitch. I grab onto Thor as my body becomes weak.

"Thor, help me." I mumble, he instantly catches me. 

"Violet? You're okay. What have you done to her!" Thor yells the last part at Steve, I close my eyes and black out. 

               I finally start to come around, I check my surroundings and realise that I'm in my room on the helicarrier. Great, I'm back here again. I go to sit up but something was stopping me, chains around my feet tied to the bed. Now I'm definitely a prisoner, I sigh in frustration. 

"You know Thor is going crazy for how you've been treated." Clint says, I see him stood at my door.

"At least one person cares." I snap.

"We all care."

"Then let me out of these chains."

"I can't." He sighs. "We told them where you were."

"What the hell Clint?"

"I'm sorry Violet, it was for your own protection." I roll my eyes and look down at the chains. "You cant get out of them with out the key."

"I'll do it myself."

"How? I know you're strong but are you that-" I ignore him and place my hands on the ain bits around my ankles, I focus on making my hands melt the chain with my fire ability. "Oh damn." I grin slightly before standing up. "I can't let you leave Violet."

"Oh I'm not leaving, not until i kick my stupid brothers ass. So if you don't mind, move." I glare at him. "I know that he's watching and listening, so move out of the way and make this easier for yourself." He does so. "Thank you." I hurriedly find my way to where Tony is, it didn't take long. There's only a few places he'd be, one being the meeting room. I open the door and there he stood looking right at me, the others were sat around a table. Something is different about him, I can tell just by the way he is standing and looking at me. 

"You shouldn't have left." He tells me. 

"And you shouldn't keep me here like a prisoner." 

"I'm not doing that."

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