Chapter 19

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Chapter song  You Are Mine- Spencer Combs Ft Holley Maher

Over the last few weeks I've managed to avoid everyone but Tony. I didn't want to talk to anyone, not since that day. Tony got the chip out after doing many tests to find it, although I feel like me again I still feel lost and alone.

"You know staying in your room all the time isn't healthy." Tony says as he brings me some food.

"I'm fine." I lie.

"I didn't ask if you was fine." I roll my eyes. "Nobody see's you any different Vi, they've all done worse."

"I know."

"Then why are you hiding?" I stay quiet. "We're worried about you."

"I'm sorry." Was all that I could say.

"We're all going to have a few drinks in the lounge if you want to join us."

"Thanks." He sighs before leaving. I take a few bites of my food, I hate knowing that they're all worried about me. Even now I'm not used to talking about how I feel, I'm used to keeping it all to myself. But maybe I should tell them. I know I can trust them, they're my family. I place my hand on the necklace that Steve got me, it always weirdly helps me calm down.

After finishing my food I set the plate aside and head to where everyone was. I could hear their laughter before I could see them, maybe it'll be easier making another me appear. No, Vi. I've got this, I take a deep breath before walking in the room.

"Vi." Steve says while standing up from the sofa, he was the first to see me. He motions for me to sit next to him, I do so. He sits back down next to me.

"Drink?" Nat asks me.

"No thanks." I answer.

"It must be serious if you're not drinking." Tony jokes.

"Tony." Pepper scolds him.

"I don't like to talk about how I feel, not since our parents." I start. "And I want to change that because keeping it all in, it hurts. And you guys are my family now." I look down at my hands, anxiety filling my body.

"When you're ready, Vi." Steve says as he takes one of my hands. "We love you."

"Hayley and her dad tortured me, they would cut me and use hot rods to try and see what caused me to use my abilities. Once that didn't work, her dad made some weird gas that would make me see my biggest fears. And that would always make the fire start. They kept questioning me about all of you, wanting answers about where you all live. If you have family, how you all knew me. He took my blood and ran tests, tried to match my abilities but it never worked." I let a few tears slip. "They tried mind control, it wouldn't work for long though. Hayley really wanted to be me so she could have Steve, while her dad wanted to break up the Avengers to kill you all. One by one. Eventually he made that chip, adjusted my memories. And if that failed and I remembered stuff then it'd go in to emergency mode, so they could control me. I didn't think they I'd be able to control my body again. I gave up because I felt like I was fighting a losing battle." Everyone was quiet, not knowing what to say. "The person that you all saw that day isn't me, that was someone I used to be. Someone who only wanted revenge, was filled with anger. But all of that changed when I met you all, when I got to know you all better." I let out a smile. "You're all stuck with me now. I hope you know that." They all chuckle.

"We wouldn't have it any other way." Nat tells me.

"I think I'll have that drink now." Tony gives me a drink.

"Now that's done, I do have something to tell you Vi." Tony says to me.

"Uh oh, what?"

"I'm retiring." I give him a confused look. "Well I am retired."

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