Chapter 14

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Chapter song Jealous By Nick Jonas

"Why don't we head back in?" Steve says to me.

"Can I drink my problems away?" I look up at him.

"I'll drink them away for you."

"But you can't get drunk."


"That doesn't help me." He chuckles lightly. 

"I'm sure Sasha will let you know if she hears from Hayley."

"I guess." I sigh. "Alright, lets go back inside." He takes my hand and leads the way back inside. Once inside Sasha walks up to us. "I couldn't see her." I tell her.

"I told you to leave her Violet." She lets out an annoyed sigh.

"I thought I could talk to her, this was-"

"You thought you knew best. Well she's my daughter Violet. And I know what's best for her." 

"I know that, I wasn't implying that I knew best I was just trying to say that I-"

"That you what? You could help her? You could talk her out of running off and away from you? You have no idea what you're doing Violet." 

"Sasha, would you let me finish what I'm trying to say?"

"Why should I listen to you when you don't listen to me or anybody else?" She snaps, where is all of this coming from? All I did was try to talk to my friend who is like family to me from leaving. "You have no idea about the pain that you caused her when she found out the truth, the heart break when she found out the person she loves gets with someone she thought she could trust."

"Sasha, what ar-"

"Why don't you just shut up and think about other people for once."

"I think it's time for you to leave." Steve tells her, she glares at him before slapping him across the face. 

"Mom!" Ally screams in shock as her, Tony, Nat and Wanda begin to walk closer to us.

"You both caused my daughter so much pain!"

"You're not innocent in this Sasha!" I snap at her. "You knew who I was, where I came from. You knew the truth. So don't you dare blame this on me." She goes to slap me but I stop her. 

"Let go off me." She tries to break free.

"I won't let you disrespect me or my family Sasha. So I suggest you leave before you do something else that you regret." I let go off her wrist, Nat steps in to show her the way out. They walk away, I sigh and look at Ally. "I'm sorry you had to see that Ally."

"It's not your fault, I've never seen her like that before." Ally says in a sad tone. "I don't think she's fit enough to drive."

"She drove here?" Ally nods. "Did she have anything to drink?"

"Yeah, I kept telling her to stop but she wouldn't listen." I bring her into a hug. "I don't want to go back home Vi. Not to that, please don't make me." She cries into me. 

"I'd never let that happen. You can stay here tonight, right Tony?" I look at him.

"Right." He nods.

"Thank you." Ally says to us.

     It's now a few days after Christmas, after the party Hayley had gone missing. Sasha was also very apologetic the next day when she realised what she had said and done, turns out she used to be an alcoholic and had been sober since Ally was born but somebody gave her alcohol after saying it was alcohol free which then made her go back to it. So she's currently trying to get better and going back to being sober for her and her kids.  As for Hayley, agents have been assigned to look for her and I volunteered to help whenever I can. Which is what I'm getting ready for right now, they had a lead where she could be and want me to go with them. I know her problem is with me but maybe I can talk to her enough for her to come back home, if it comes to it I have been instructed to take control of her long enough for someone to restrain her for her own safety. That is something that I really don't want to do but if I have no choice, I guess it'll have to be done.

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