Chapter 10

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Chapter song 'Stronger (What doesn't kill you)' By Kelly Clarkson

"You really aren't smart are you?" The guy in charge lets out an evil laugh, a rubbish one at that. "You act like you are but as Loki said, you aren't. For once he was telling the truth."

"Loki?" I thought Thor dealt with him.

"Yes. You see, me and him worked together a long time ago. And from that, was you. You see he wasn't supposed to keep you frozen for 10 years, but he did. He broke our deal, I'm only collecting what is rightfully mine." 

"I'm not anybody's thank you very much." I snap, what is it with people thinking they own somebody?

"You are my experiment! You are mine to control!"

"You better hurry and give me the all-clear before I set fire to this bastard and everyone here." I tell Steve through my mind.

"Are you okay?" He thinks.

"I'm fine. Get people to safety, if you need me just think real hard about me." I go to stand but I get pushed back down. "They won't fall for it." I say out loud.

"What?" The guy says to me.

"The Avengers. If you use me to take them down, they will kill you. Even if it means killing me."

"How could you possibly know?"

"When I made a copy of you, I got the last 24 hours of your memories." He punches me in my face. "That one is for free."

"Violet? Vi? Dammit how does this work?" I hear Steve try.

"Aww cute you're trying." I tease.

"You have a lot of explaining to do."

"Is it clear?"


"Good. Now get your butts in here so I don't take all the glory."

"Nobody will help you. None of them never really looked for you." The guy sneers.

"That's where you're wrong." I smirk as the door gets broken down by Steve kicking it in, I quickly burn the two guards holding me. The fighting soon starts as me and Steve take on the guards down on the ground floor, I see Tony and Sam come through the ceiling while Nat, another woman and a guy with red skin come through another entrance. 

"Steve!" I yell, he ducks as I chuck a fireball at a guard who was about to shoot him.

"Thanks." He says as he now stands by my side, a gunshot echoes through the building just as Tony drops the last guard. I look at the culprit, the guy in charge was holding Ally in his arms with a gun pressed against her head.

"Ally!" I exclaim. "You let her go you son of a bitch."

"Miranda, I'm scared." She cries out, Hayley said she was safe. What the hell? 

"You're gonna be okay."

"You're coming with me or I will kill her." He threatens.

"Let the girl go." Tony aims his arm at him. 

"You really shouldn't have done that, I told you if you broke our promise you're dead." I growl.

"You won't kill me while I have her." I look at Nat then Steve.

"I'm going to control his body, it'll last a few seconds. But it'll be long enough. Nat get ready to get Ally, Steve use that fancy shield of yours to knock him out. Nod if you both understand."  I say in Nat and Steve's minds, Nat nods first then Steve.

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