Chapter 4

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Chapter song "Call Me Maybe" By Carly Rae Jepsen

The next morning I wake up and look at Steve who was laid on his back with his arm around me, funny I don't remember falling asleep like this. I'm glad Loki didn't get back in my dreams. I smile lightly before moving a little closer to Steve so I could go back to sleep, but as I place my head near his chest I feel his arm around me tighten and his heart beat quicken for a few seconds before settling. I know by this it means he's awake. 

"Good morning Vi." Steve mumbles.

"Morning Rogers." 

"Comfy?" I nod my head before looking up at him, he was blushing lightly. "Me too." He pulls me closer to him. "You know we should have started training two hours ago." He says while looking at the clock on my bed side table, I roll my eyes and sit up.

"I did extra last night, it makes up for it." He joins me with sitting up, I quickly look away from his gaze. "But I guess we should head there to start before Tony finds you here."

"Good point." He gets out of the bed and grabs his phone. 

"Thank you for staying last night." I finally look at him, he had a smile on his face. 

"No problem, did you sleep better?"

"For once yeah." 

"Good, I'm glad." He looks at his phone for a quick second. "I'll see you in training." I nod as he leaves, I feel a grin start to make its way to my face. This time I let it stay and enjoy the feeling instead of pushing it away, for the first time I allow myself to feel a little happy.

"Man, Steve must have done something right for you to grin like that, even I couldn't make you do that." I jump as I look to see James stood smirking my the door.

"I don't know what you mean." I quickly get up and grab some clothes to wear for today.

"Really? So I didn't just see him leaving here?"


"Oh okay, I'm sure Tony will help me look through the security footage to see if anybody was here."

"Okay, fine. He was here, happy?"

"I knew it." 

"Don't tell  Tony. Please." He chuckles.

"I won't, I know what he'd do if he found out."

"Exactly." I look at him. "I didn't hear you knock."

"The door didn't shut properly after Steve left, I was on my way to check on you training but Clint said he hadn't seen you or Steve so I came here. Not going to lie, I just thought that you over slept."

"I did over sleep to be fair."

"Yeah with Steve."

"Shut up." I blush.

"So you and Captain huh? How long has that been going on for?"

"There's nothing going on. I asked him to stay because I was scared." I didn't need to say much more for him to understand, he knew almost everything. He was always there for me when Tony wasn't this past year. 

"I'm sorry. Did he come back?"

"Yeah, Steve and Nat managed to wake me up before I did anymore damage."

"Does Tony know?"

"Don't know, don't care." 

"What's he done now?"

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