Chapter 3

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Chapter song Numb By Linkin Park

I look around, everything was black. I can only see myself and that's it.

"Hello?" I call out, nothing. "Is anybody here?"

"Well hello darling." No. Not him, not again. "Miss me?"

"Why won't you leave me alone?"

"Because there seems to be things that you can do, things that I'm very curious about."

"Get out of my head!"

"Or what? Gonna kill me?" He shows up in front of me. "Tell me, what can you do?" He places a hand on the side of my face, I try to move but it was no use. It's like I was frozen.

"Get off me Loki." He smirks.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you prefer it if I was him?" He changes his face to Steve's, I refuse to react to his attempts of making me angry. I know that's what he wants, for me to get angry so that I can access my abilities. "Nothing? I know you're mad Violet, come on. Let it out, show me how mad you are!" He yells while walking away. "Show me Violet!" He turns to me.

"You don't control me anymore Loki." I try, he laughs at me.

"Oh really?" I feel my hand start to raise up, crap. I try to gain control of m body but it was no use. "I will always be in control of you." I glare at him, maybe he's right. "Now, show me what you can do."

"I can't! I don't know how." I cry out. "Please leave me alone, I'm begging."

"You pathetic mortals, always begging."

"Violet?" I hear another voice call out for me. "Violet, wake up. You're okay, I'm here." 

"Well looks like somebody wants you to wake up." Loki smirks. "How about we show them the real you?"

"No! Leave them alone." I snap.

"Nat, she's burning up." 

"Keep talking to her Steve, you calmed her down yesterday." Nat says.

"Ah Black Widow and Captain America to the rescue." Loki mocks. "You're not going until you show me your abilities!" As much as I wanted to I couldn't keep my emotions under control, I wasn't just angry but I'm also scared and upset. I feel the heart start to increase. "Here we go." I could hear the smirk in his voice as I close my eyes. 

"Violet, it's okay. You're safe, you can do this. I believe in you." Steve's voice echoes but i feel fire start to form in my hands.

"She's gonna explode Steve, we need to get out of here." Nat again, Loki laughs.

"No." Silence. "Vi, I promise you're okay. He can't hurt you, I won't let him." I let out a small smile, for once I believe someone when they say I'm okay. There's something different about Steve, something I can't quite understand. 

"Loki." I mumble before opening my eyes.

"Did you hear that?"

"Loki's in her head." Nat confirms.

"Look at me Loki." I demand, this makes his face stop smirking. 

"Are you seriously going to challenge me? You filthy mortal, you have no right!" Loki yells at me.

"Don't let him win Vi." It was Steve again but he was whispering.

"I will control you!" I look into Loki's eyes, I knew what he was attempting to do. But with Steve's words running through my mind, I won't let Loki succeed. "How? How are you stopping me?"

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