Chapter 11

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Chapter song: Nothing Compares 2U By Sinead O'Connor

I'm now sat in a meeting room at the Avengers compound, I'm sat next to a girl called Wanda. Her and a guy named Vision were the newest additions to the team, yet Tony never actually wanted me to join them. I thought he would but he lied about it, Steve was sat opposite me.

"Care to explain why this past year we thought you were dead!" Tony snaps in anger at me. 

"Because I wanted you to." I glare at him.  

"Give me a proper answer, not some bull shit!" I eye Steve, expecting him to scold Tony for swearing but nothing. 

"Why don't you all take a look in the mirror and then you'll have your answer to why. Clint and Thor were the only ones who actually cared about me."

"You're wrong! You're my sister, you're Nat's best friend and Steve's weird love interest which I still don't like by the way. But we care!" I stand up in anger, slamming my hands on the table.

"Then why the hell did you do it? Why did you do secret tests on me? Why did you find ways to drain my powers once you were all done with me?" They all stay silent. "See none of you can answer me because it'll make you all look bad."

"How did you know your powers were being drained? I never told anybody." Tony asks.

"Because once I left they started becoming stronger than I remembered, it didn't take much to figure out."

"I'd like to know why you did all those things too." I look to see Pepper stood with her arms crossed. 

"Pepper, you shouldn't be here." 

"Tough, she's like my sister you know that." She comes over to me and gives me a hug. "It's so good to see you again Vi. Are Sasha and the girls okay?"

"Yeah, Fury agreed to let them keep their memories of me." I pull away.

"Hold up, you knew she was alive?" Tony exclaims, that was also a secret too. I couldn't risk talking to her because of Tony. 

"Who do you think helped Fury find the family?"

"Great. SO my girlfriend and sister lied to me." I glare at him, he did not just say that.

"Don't you dare try that one Anthony Stark. Look at what you did to your sister, how you lied to both me and her about the tests! What you're feeling now about us lying is nothing compared to what she feels, so I suggest you man up because you have no right to be mad. Especially when most of you drove her to leave." Pepper snaps, I grin slightly at her response.

"And that is why you're the best Pepper." I tell her. "Also may I ask why the newbies are here? It has nothing to do with them." Nobody answers. "Back to not telling me things again I see, nothing's changed."

"Tony thought it'd be best they were here, to help stop you in case you lash out." Steve finally admits, Tony glares at him.

"Thanks Cap, way to keep that a secret." Tony snaps.

"This is why Vi left in the first place Tony, because of all the secrets. Like that one, I'm not keeping anything from her again." My eyes meet Steve's , I guess this is the start of him trying to prove that he cares.

"How come we couldn't find you?" James asks me.

"I didn't want to be found." I'm still stood by my chair, I'm trying to stay calm. I understand why they're mad but do they understand why I left?

"Well you screwed up because we found you." Tony comments with a smug look on his face, I smirk knowing full well what I'm going to say will be little him.

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