Chapter 1

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*Chapter song is You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift*

"Vi? Violet, come on wake up." I hear my brother's voice, I groan lightly. "Violet."

"Don't call me 'Vi'." I open my eyes to see him stood over me smirking. "Let me sleep."

"No, we have places to be."

"No I don't." I yawn and sit up, he's lucky that I'm in my pyjamas this time.

"You're coming with me, right now."

"I'm not dressed." He shrugs. "I'm not going anywhere while I'm in my pyjamas."

"Yes you are."

"Tony, I'm getting dressed so get out." I order.

"I have your stuff in the ride to where we're going." I know full well there was no way he'd leave to let me get dressed, he's too impatient for that. And knowing him he's probably late to something.

"I swear if anybody I know sees me then I'll kick your ass." He smirks, I follow him out and get in the car that was being driven by a man I'd not seen before. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, why don't you get some sleep? It's a long drive."

"Brothers." I roll my eyes before trying to get comfy so I could sleep again. I don't really sleep much after being frozen for 10 years, each time I get scared that I won't wake up again.

              "Wake up shortstuff." Tony nudges me awake. "You must have needed that cause you didn't even notice when I carried you to the plane." I look at him confused before realising we were no longer in the car and in fact we were on a jet that I knew too well, I stand up and look out of the window to see we've already landed. God dammit, I fling by bag onto my back.

"Tony." I snap at him, he quickly presses a button which opens the door. That son of a bitch, I see a few people gathered round. I cross my arms beginning to feel really insecure especially since I'm not dressed. "What the hell are we doing here Tony, you promised I don't need to come here no more." I glare at him as he just stands talking to Fury.

"Nice pyjamas." I look and see Natasha trying not to laugh at me.

"Tony wouldn't let me get changed." I inform her before giving her a quick hug.

"I'll show you to your room so you can get changed."

"I really hope it's not far because people are staring, especially him." I nod at the guy Tony likes to call 'Cap'. I know of the Avengers, I've just never met any other than Tony and Nat. This 'Cap' guy quickly looks away when he sees us looking back.

"Funny, he never stares at anyone especially women." Nat comments, I roll my eyes knowing exactly what she's trying to get at.

"Can we go now? I really want to get dressed." She nods and leads the way to a room.

"We'll be having a meeting in the usual room, so just join when you're ready." She leaves, I quickly get changed into the clothes Tony had packed for me. I'm curious to why he's packed so much clothes for me, I hope he's not wanting me to stay here for a night. Shaking the thought out of my head I make my way to the meeting room after asking a few agents to where it was, it's been a few months since I was last here and I've been doing what I can to forget about it. I walk in.

"So, why am I here?" I ask not really caring if I interrupted them, I learnt to do that because of Tony. It's the only way to be heard, well that's what he always said to me when we grew up.

"We were in the middle of a conversation ma'am." 'Cap' says to me, I don't know their names. Well their real names anyway.

"One, don't call me ma'am. Two it certainly didn't look like it and three Tony you know I don't like this." I look at him, he puts his hands up in defence.

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