Chapter 6

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Chapter Song: Welcome Home by Peters & Lee

Steve first shows me around the Avengers compound, taking his time to tell me about different parts of it. The final stop was apparently my new room, it was the better than the one I had on the hellicarrier.

"This is actually my room?" I ask in disbelief, Steve chuckles.

"I take it that you like it?"

"It's amazing."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Do you uh want to uh go out for dinner tonight?" He scratches the back of his head awkwardly, I could see that he's nervous. 

"Like a date?"

"Yeah, I mean if you want it to be a date. If not that's fine, I uh."

"I'd love to go on a date with you." I blush, butterflies filling my stomach. 

"I'll meet you at the entrance at 7pm." He smiles.

"It's a date." I smile back at him.

"Hate to ruin the moment but Tony is looking for you Steve and I'm helping Violet get ready." Nat speaks as she walks up to us.

"I'll see you tonight." Steve says to me before leaving, Nat smirks at me.

"What?" I question her.

"Nothing, now come on. We're going shopping."


"Well, do you have anything to wear?"

"Good point." I follow her out of the building to a car waiting for us, I get in and notice that Clint was driving. "Nat drag you into helping?"

"He volunteered." Nat corrects me, once we were buckled up Clint begins to drive.

"Did you know that Steve was going to ask me out?"

"We all did, he even asked Tony for permission."

"And he said yes?" She laughs.

"It took a little convincing but he eventually said yes." I chuckle lightly.

"We're here." Clint says as he parks the car, we get out and head in a shop. 

"All these dresses are beautiful." I exclaim, Nat helps me pick a few to try on. While I was trying on dresses I hear someone talking to Nat and Clint, I know that they're talking to them because we're the only ones here in the shop. 

"Hi, can I help you with anything?"  I hear the female voice.

"We're fine thank you, just trying to find a dress for a friend." Nat answers.

"If you're just going to try on clothes and not buy anything then I'd have to ask you to leave." Well that was very bitchy.

"I just said we're trying to find a dress."

"Well that's trying, not buying." What the actual hell?

"You can't expect someone to come in, get a dress without trying it on and then leave." Nat doesn't sound pleased, he'll neither am I. We did nothing wrong. 

"We don't if we think they can afford our things." Oh you didn't just say that, I take the dress off and put on my normal clothes. I pull the curtain back and glare at the lady making these comments.

"Oh don't worry, I can afford it here but with your shitty customer service I'm not even going to waste my money here. I'll find a much better store who don't assume someone can't afford their things." I snap, the lady stands in shock. "I could easily buy this place and have you fired, you realise that right?"

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