Chapter 10~I understand

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Y/n woke up in NamJoon's arms, she cupped his face as many thoughts ran through her head. Why was he so possessive at times? Why was he so cold sometimes? She sighed as his eyes met hers. NamJoon pulled Y/n closer to him before saying,

"Good Morning babe." He said as Y/n smiled brightly.

"Morning Joonie." She said softly as NamJoon ran his fingers through her hair.

"We have a lot to talk about Y/n, I know that I did some things to you that scared you and I'm sorry. I fear that one day you will leave me. Yes, I know you won't but still, a piece of me just feels it." He said as Y/n cupped his face.

"Joonie, I'm not going anywhere okay." She said as she pecked his way before hugging him tightly.

NamJoon couldn't face the truth at all, the memories of their past was haunting him each time  Y/n and him were close like this. Y/n had stolen his heart the minute he took her first kiss. Y/n never saw anyone else but NamJoon as the man for her and she was trying her best to get him to understand this matter. Y/n looked up into his eyes as she knew what they needed but getting NamJoon out of his stubborn ways were going to be hard. She took a deep breathe before saying,

"Joonie, lets go therapy." NamJoon glared at her before getting up.

"No Y/n I'm going to that. Why do I need to tell someone my problems. I'm perfectly fine." He said as he began to walk to the bathroom.

"Fine then Joonie, but one more slip up and I'm going to leave you for good. I can't relive my childhood and you know it." She said as NamJoon stopped in his tracks.

He looked to her and knew she wasn't playing this time. He nodded his head before walking over to her and kissing her softly. He couldn't lose her but the thought of talking about his childhood scared him because to open that door would mean he would have to dig up his feelings. Something neither one of them wanted to do but they knew that they would have to eventually. 

Three months had gone by and NamJoon and Y/n had been going through the motions. NamJoon was getting worse and Y/n was fighting her best to stay sane. She had just a woken up as she looked to her right to spot where her lover should've been. NamJoon and her had fought about three weeks ago and he lost his temper resulting in him slapping her. Y/n had never seen that side of him before and it scared her to death. She was officially scared of him. She wanted to leave but she feared what would happen if she did.

Y/n stared in the mirror not recognizing herself anymore. Her happy aura was gone. She  had lost the man of dreams to his hidden personality. She was fighting so hard to bring back her loving NamJoon but the cold and possessive NamJoon had locked him up. She cried as she just wanted him to love her and realize that she only wanted him. 

She step into the shower letting the water hit her body. She thought she heard the front door slam but she ignored it because she knew that Mincha had gone with NamJoon's parents so she figured she was hearing things until she heard the bathroom door open. She froze as she saw NamJoon's figure in the mirror.

He looked a hungry monster ready to devour his prey. Y/n frozen state was unseen by him either. He stepped into the shower with her kissing her neck softly as Y/n felt tears form in her eyes. She didn't want to be touch by him but a part of her was longing for his touch. She was literally on a battlefield with her mind and heart. NamJoon turned her to him and she knew he need to be fix. She cupped his face before saying,

"No NamJoon if you are going to be rough don't touch me." She said as NamJoon pulled her closer to him. He kissed her softly letting her feel his love. NamJoon was hurting as he had missed her touch, her laugh and smile but the part that was hurting him the most was he was the cause of her losing those emotions. He lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Y/n I want to go to therapy, I signed up today. I can't lose you, I just can't." NamJoon said as he kissed her again.

This kiss was different from the rest, this was full of so much love. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck as she realized that her Joonie was fighting to come back. She kissed him back with all the love she had to give him. NamJoon looked into Y/n's eyes as he entered her slowly. He had never been this gentle before at all. He kissed her as he moved into her slowly actually making love her rather than fucking her. Y/n felt the difference as she recognized it was him. She broke the kiss as she maintain eye contract with him.

NamJoon felt his ego ready to come out but he kissed Y/n. She was the answer to fighting this. She was one to fix him, she was the only one who could save him from himself. Y/n started moving with him making their bodies one as they were receiving equal pleasure. Once they reached their climax, NamJoon kissed Y/n softly holding her closer to him.

"I'm going to do this for all us babe. I can't keep hurting you and saying sorry. It hurts Y/n. It hurts here and here." He said as he placed her hands on his heart and he place his hand on her heart.

Y/n tears fell from her eyes as she realized that NamJoon had learnt his lesson. He knew he was wrong and he was trying his best to fix it this time. He wasn't playing around this time. Y/n hugged him tightly as she caressed his hair letting him know that she was there for him. She didn't know why but she felt a rush of happiness flow through her body. After they showered together NamJoon, carried her to the bed and cuddled her. He hugged her tightly before saying,

"Taehyung is waiting on you. Tomorrow he will take you the photo shoot." Y/n eyes widen as she looked up at NamJoon with nothing but happiness. He chuckled and kissed her softly.

"Don't worry about Mincha, my parents are going to keep her until I get better." Y/n pouted as he chuckled.

"Lets make it quick Joonie, I miss my baby girl so much." Y/n said as NamJoon nodded his head.

NamJoon nodded his head as he pulled Y/n closer to him. He understood that he had to fix himself but realization fell upon him when a lady dress in white visited him in his dream telling him to change his life before he lost Y/n. He was scared of losing the woman of dreams, so no matter how much he hated it, he knew this was for the best, not only for him but for his whole family. Mincha had been affected when she saw NamJoon gripping Y/n's throat, his babygirl began to fear him just like Y/n had become too. Y/n hadn't been doing good with any of this, her past was starting to affect her ways that she couldn't even imagine and that wasn't going unnoticed by NamJoon.

He had caught Y/n having nightmares, panic attacks and even crying in her sleep. He watched her sleeping face as tears fell from his eyes as he knew her broken state was all his fault. He couldn't blame no one else but himself at this point of time. NamJoon closed his eyes as he held her closer him as he kissed her forehead before whispering,

"I'm going to fix myself for us babe, I promise."

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